Endless (Embrace)

‘I remember.’

‘And you said not to talk to you about it again until I was ready to collect.’

‘Mighta said something like that.’

I nodded. ‘I’m ready to collect.’

After Dapper left – unhappy but with our debt settled – I sat back down in my chair and waited. Sure enough, that afternoon, Lincoln started to become restless and at 4 p.m. I could tell he was ready to wake up.

I stood over him, ran my fingers through his hair and leaned down.

‘I love you,’ I whispered.

He made a sound that ran through my body and reminded me of all the things we had shared.

I turned and left the room, going out to the living area, where everyone was waiting. They all looked up like expectant meerkats when they saw me. I half smiled.

‘He’s waking up.’

Griffin jumped to his feet, the rest of the squad behind him. They smiled and laughed and ran into Lincoln’s room, leaving me alone.

I loved Lincoln’s warehouse. In many ways it had become my home, too. I looked up to the enormous arched windows that were at either end. Afternoon sun flooded through them, drenching the space. It was beautiful.

Walking over to the kitchen, I ran my hand along the breakfast bar, remembering all the times I’d sat there eating food Lincoln had prepared for me, while listening to his advice and hanging off every word. I closed my eyes and imagined the smell of basil – how much he loved to cook with it.

I stopped by my wall, still covered by the drop-sheet. I left it where it was. The image beneath now seemed so naive.

I found a notepad and pen and wrote a few words, leaving the folded piece of paper on the dining table.

I could hear everyone moving about, the occasional cheer. He was awake and I could sense that he was looking for me.

Before I could stop myself I made my way to the front door. I had it halfway open when Steph ran down the hall.

‘Hey, Vi. Lincoln’s asking for–’ She broke off when she saw me. ‘You’re … leaving?’

I couldn’t talk. I just looked at her, trying to explain somehow without words that I couldn’t possibly stay knowing everything I now did, having gone through everything I had gone through.

People had made sacrifices and died. For me. Because of me. I couldn’t stay and watch those I cared about most continue to make choices that put me first. I had made promises to my angel maker and I knew he’d hold me to them. But the only way I could do that would be alone, where the danger and consequences of my choices would be my own.

And the simple truth was, I couldn’t face him. Lincoln was back and now he had a chance to live. I wanted that for him – I certainly didn’t bring him back just so he could die defending me. The only chance for his survival would be to be apart from me, and the only chance for mine would be to finally – completely – embrace the Grigori I am.

Steph stood frozen, staring back at me until her shoulders dropped and the tears started to fall down her cheeks. ‘But you can’t,’ she whispered.

I cleared my throat. ‘I left a note. Will you give it to him?’

She nodded as she cried and sniffed. ‘Will you call me? Please, Vi, promise me you will call me.’

‘He can never know where I am.’ Because despite what I had decided, Lincoln would come for me if he knew where I was. He wouldn’t accept this. We were partners. As far as he was concerned, like it or not, that meant we were together.

Steph shook her head. ‘I wouldn’t tell if that’s what you wanted. Just promise you will stay in touch. Please, Vi. You’re my best friend.’

I looked down. I should have said no to her. But I found myself nodding. ‘When I get settled, I’ll call you with my new number.’ I gripped the door. ‘I have to go.’

Before I could get away, Steph was hugging me tight. For just a moment, I let myself hug her back.

‘Love you, Vi.’

‘Love you, Steph.’

And then I left.

Dad and Evelyn had arranged everything while I had been watching over Lincoln. They had made their decision, too – whatever that meant – and were happy to leave the city, something I had resolved to do a while back. I was relieved now to be going with them.

They had packed everything up and put it into storage for now, until we made our final decision about where to settle. It turned out Evelyn had more than one safe-house and we were going to start by visiting them. I used my key for the last time and walked into the apartment.

Dad came out of his room, smiling. I was a little surprised to see him looking just the same.

‘I thought you guys decided to …’ I started, but then Evelyn walked out of the bedroom behind him and I realised … they had.