A Summer to Remember

chapter Fifteen

Paul and I got home late that evening and the moment we entered his roomy yet elegant two bedroom apartment on the upper East side, I was immediately jealous. It was very functional and homey despite being a guy’s residence and filled to the brim with expensive antique furniture and paintings that were worth more than my whole art gallery collection.

His family—especially his mother—was an avid collector. She was half-Dutch and half-German so she possessed many paintings from her former homeland of the Netherlands. There were Rembrandts and Van Goghs on almost every wall and the odd Picasso or two could also be found.

His father, although a businessman, was an avid collector of Baccarat crystal and there were quite a few sculpture pieces along with the apartment’s pièce de résistance: a real live Fabergé egg enclosed in a see through Plexiglas box. It was an original and one of four the family had in its possession. Paul had a much older brother, Andrew, and he also had one as well. It was pretty much a given once their parents were gone, they would inherit the other two.

Paul grabbed me by the waist and ground his hard-on against my backside. “How did you enjoy dinner? Did it live up to your expectations?”

I turned around to face him and smiled warmly before I kissed his soft lips. “Dinner was absolutely perfect and I couldn’t have asked for a better night out on the town. You’re too good to me.”

His crystal blue eyes stared into mine. “I’m glad to hear that. I didn’t realize Ashley and her cousin, Imogen, were also there until a good friend told me and I would have really hated if she ruined your evening.”

“Don’t worry about it, she didn’t.”

Paul pulled me toward him and kissed my lips passionately. I found myself responding with such longing and desire, it wasn’t long before we were slowly making our way to his bedroom as we slipped off clothes along the way.

By the time he got me on his bed, a handmade Sudanese cotton duvet in a deep Chinese red, we were both nude and he wasted no time hoisting me onto my stomach. I felt vulnerable with my legs splayed and my sex exposed to him: wanton, dripping juices of desire and just so overtly sexual at that moment.

He leaned over me and kissed his lips down my back before he spread the orbs of my ass even more and tongued my tight sphincter. I had indulged in anal sex twice previously before and both experiences had been an ultimate and unmitigated disaster.

I didn’t know exactly how to feel about this turn of events but I went with the flow and moaned out loud as his tongue slipped lower along my perineum. He licked back and forth before his tongue plunged into the wetness of my sex and my breath caught in my throat. All his movements were slow and deliberate enough to tease me.

I arched myself against him and when his mouth sought out my *, I couldn’t breathe as his tongue made lazy circles over the hardened nub of flesh just before his lips wrapped around the pearl and sucked hard.

My nipples brushed against the soft cotton and every part of me slowly began to come undone as he licked and suckled on my *, two fingers buried inside me caressing my G-spot, until I came in a wonderful series of pleasure that were much too delicious for me to keep all to myself.

I shouted out my orgasm and he flipped me over before he kissed me deeply yet again and slowly coaxed me onto his lap where his cock lay pressed flat against his stomach. His manhood looked massive at that moment and intimidating.

Paul would never hurt me and in so many words with those gorgeous eyes of his, he was asking me to take the lead.

I grabbed his cock and began to pump it up and down inside my hands before I looked him squarely into the eyes and wondered out loud, “What the hell are you trying to do to me?”

“Drive you crazy, of course.” He smiled and it was slightly crooked yet genuine all the same. “I always want you to be satisfied when we make love and one of my favorite sexual past times is exploring the beautiful part of you between your legs. These aren’t too bad either.”

He grabbed my breasts with both hands and began to tongue the left nipple before slipping it completely into his mouth and biting down ever so gently. The pressure of his cock against me and what he had decided to do with his hands and mouth were on the verge of driving me mad with anticipation.

The man was utterly brilliant when it came to pleasing me sexually and although that was an important aspect of a relationship, it certainly wasn’t everything.

I was just as comfortable with Paul when we had our long conversations or took walks in the Central Park, holding one another’s hand and looking for a greasy hotdog vendor or sneaking in cones of vanilla ice cream before dinner. He truly did everything right and I couldn’t imagine us being a part ever again. I was his and he was mine.

My fingers caressed that hard, aching male part of him again before I planted my legs on either side of his body and pushed down hard on his manhood. He filled me completely and the feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced with a man before him and knew it would never happen with another.

Our bodies took on a natural rhythm where we began to meet one another in a battle of will and thrusts determined to drive one another crazy with lust. He was inside me and then he wasn’t, withdrawing his length from inside of me before pushing himself inside me again with a steady and overwhelming force.

I gyrated my hips to meet his thrusts and he put his right hand on the small of my back. “Babe, you desperately need to relax and just go with the flow and stop trying to control everything. This is my show and I will run it as I see fit. I don’t need any help from you. I want you to sit back and enjoy the ride, okay?”

I kissed his beautiful mouth again if only to silence my own insecurities and fears. Did he not like the way I made love to him? Our tongues danced with one another in a delicious wave of ecstasy and pure pleasure.

He pulled away and coaxed me onto my stomach where I yet again was on my hands and knees, my sex wantonly displayed for him. His fingers played with my * before two plunged inside of my depths and I moaned out loud in delight.

“This is how I like to see you. So beautiful and so perfectly at my command. You are so gorgeous when you explore that side of you who wants to be underneath another’s control.”

I felt his tongue trail up and down my perineum as he continued to work his fingers in and out of me like twin pistons. My sex became wetter and wetter every time his fingers brushed against my G-spot and I moaned out loud in pure pleasure. He knew how much he was affecting my body and he got off on it.

At that moment, I would have begged and pleaded for his cock but that wasn’t what he wanted. He desired complete and utter control of the situation and I handed it over to him on a silver platter. It was nice not having to call the shots for a change and the way I felt about him erased any doubts in my mind. I knew he would never cause me any sexual discomfort or give me a reason to fear anything we did together.

Paul pulled his fingers out of my slick sex and slipped them into my mouth. I sucked on them until they were clean of the taste of my own sex. My * felt engorged and my body was near the tipping point of an orgasm that still eluded me thanks to all the teasing he’d decided to do.

Finally, he gripped my hips and plunged his cock inside me to the hilt and began to thrust slowly inside of me. I wanted to move and help him out but I instinctively knew he didn’t want or need my help. This wasn’t about me aiding him, this was about surrendering control, something I found incredibly hard to do.

Soon, his hands were no longer at my waist, they were at my breasts and his thumbs and forefingers clinched my nipples almost to the point of pain but the feeling of skin against skin, his cock buried deep inside my body and what he was doing to me made the pleasure that much more intense.

He sped up his thrusts and I knew he was so very close but I knew he wouldn’t leave me without having my own orgasm. And then it happened, he began to come inside of me and although my body was alight with pleasure and unfulfilled desire, I still didn’t orgasm with him and that hurt me to a certain extent. I wanted us to share everything and this didn’t seem fair or just.

He collapsed on top of me for only a few moments before he removed himself from my body and I laid down on the bed, my legs spread wantonly because I was exhausted.

Paul positioned his head between my legs and began to tease my aching hole which had just been royally f*cked by him. His tongue darted in and out before he flicked his tongue over my swollen *. Then he began to tease my swollen nub with kisses and full mouth suckling which almost took me under. Everything was done with that beautiful mouth of his and before I knew it, that feeling of pure pleasure had me tumbling over the edge and it was an orgasm so huge, I wouldn’t recover any time soon.

He crawled up to me and kissed me passionately across the lips. “You see how it can be when you just surrender all control? I didn’t scare you, did I?”

I laughed out loud in a throaty way. “Of course not, don’t be silly. It was intense and unexpected and for a control freak like me, it was my worse nightmare and the most beautiful dream I could imagine.”

“That’s really nice to hear because I always want to make you happy and we have so much to explore together. You are so beautiful the way you are right here and now. I wouldn’t change a thing…except perhaps your hair color—I always preferred you as a brunette.”

He spooned me and as his arms wrapped around me, I felt safe and loved. More than that, I felt complete for the first time in my life and had hope for the future. We could make it through this and if there was a doubt in my mind, I would never allow anyone to be privy to it because I loved this man and I was determined to make our relationship work.

I knew more than love and trust were needed to keep a relationship going but Paul and I also had the foundation of friendship and I would use it to my advantage. I was determined for him to fully belong to me before the end of summer and there wasn’t much I’d ever wanted I hadn’t made a reality.

Elle Chardou's books