Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

Minutes later we were pulling into Willow’s driveway so I hopped out barely letting him stop the car and rushed for the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. After a few heartbeats I heard footsteps moving to the door then it opened and a half naked, male body greeted me.

My mouth opened and closed when words failed me. I was pretty sure I resembled a brain dead fish. I was not expecting him to answer the door. He was shirtless and his jeans were left opened, revealing tanned skin and the hard planes of his upper body. I looked up into his smug face, noticing his ruffled, bed hair. My shock turned into anger and I glared at him but he only smirked and moved aside letting me in.

I bounded up the stairs for Willow’s bedroom where I found her wrapped in bed sheets in the middle of the room and I took in her disheveled appearance. Her wide, sensual mouth was kiss swollen and passion marks decorated her neck and the top of her ample breasts and I was sure there were more under the sheets. She looked frustrated and close to tears and I immediately embraced her.

“I’m a failure to women around the world,” she cried out. Even in her stressed state, Willow still managed to find a joke in the situation.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was here? I would have come sooner.” I ignored the guilty feeling over what held me up.

“What would be the point? The damage was already done. Your phone call woke me up and when I saw him lying there beside me, last night came rushing back and then he woke up and we— we… Oh God,” she groaned.

That explains her not being dressed yet.

“What do I do, Lake? He will never let me go now.”

“Is that really what you want?”

“It doesn’t matter what I want. We can’t do this. We are from two different worlds.”

“It doesn’t seem to bother him.”

“But he’s using me. What happens when he gets tired of me?”

“Then he would be a fool.”

“I would get Buddy to kick his ass but the little shit has a man crush on him. They’re ‘the bestest buds’ now.” She rolled her eyes and I laughed. We both knew Buddy would never let anyone seriously hurt his sister. He adored her although he gave her a lot of shit. He may be younger but Buddy was fiercely protective.

“Where is he anyway?”

She shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. He isn’t around much anymore. My little Buddy bean is growing up,” she stated using her nickname for him that he hated.

“Well, let’s get you dressed. Grandma is waiting.”

“Yeah, we don’t want to keep that firecracker waiting too long. She will curse us both out.”

“Uh, more like all of us. Keiran is coming.”

She lifted an eyebrow curiously. “Oh, wow. Grandma Lane will eat him alive. I can’t wait!” She rushed out of the room and moments later I heard the shower turn on.

I looked over at Pepé, who was in the corner curled up on his pillow sleeping. I hoped the little guy slept through whatever occurred in this room. I remembered the depth of her screams when I walked in on them weeks ago. Poor guy was probably traumatized.

I left the room and headed back downstairs where I heard two male voices speaking low. I cleared the living room doorway where they were sitting and their talking immediately stopped as they looked at him.

I shot Dash a withering glance before plopping down on the recliner. I felt their stares on me but they remained quiet.

“Are you two done man-bashing already?” Dash joked. I snorted and pulled out my phone to text my aunt rather than answer him.

However when he stood up and headed for the stairs my attention diverted back to him. “Where are you going?” I questioned, hostility dripping from my voice.

“Bro, get your woman out of my business,” he laughed. I ignored his insinuation that Keiran could control me even though we both knew he did.

“Leave her alone.”

“I’ll never leave her alone. You of all people should know that.” His eyes flicked to Keiran and back to me, suggestively.

“She doesn’t want you, Dash.”

“And yet she hasn’t told me no,” he grinned and I hated his cocky attitude.

B.B. Reid's books