Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“You could be the man you claim to be and give her what she wants.”

His entire demeanor changed in a flash. I watched his eyes harden and his jaw clenched leaving behind traces of the easy-going guy. “I’m not interested in what she think she wants. But I do know what she needs and I’ll be the one to give it to her. The rest doesn’t matter.”

Chapter TwentySix

“I still don’t understand why you needed to come,” Willow griped from the backseat. Willow and I were finally on the road, heading to Red Rock plus two.

“Because it upsets you so much. You know…we were friends for a short time but when did you get so bitchy?”

“Right around the time your dick started showing…and I don’t mean the one between your legs.”

“Ssss, ouch. You burn me, baby. You burn me.”

If they kept up the bickering then I was in for a long ride. Keiran had yet to say a word to me since we left my house. I could tell he was pissed but I didn’t know what for and told myself I didn’t care. I peeked at him in the driver’s seat but his face was unreadable.

It was at least an hour and a half drive ahead of me with a bickering couple and a brooding lover for company. I pulled out my iPod and played the first song in the cue.

My favorite song, The Sweetest Thing, flowed through the tiny buds of my headphones. Nice.


We pulled onto the flowery estate of Whispering Pines an hour later and only then did I remove my ear buds. Sometimes I begrudged my grandmother the peaceful hideaway, although I could do without the smell of Ben-gay and antiseptic.

On these visits, I made sure to keep my appearance as close to the pictures my grandmother had in her room as possible. I was really young when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so she still associated me with the image of the younger me. During each visit I brought her a new picture of me to make it easier. She also kept pictures of Willow since she often came with me.

“I need you two to stay away for a moment. She doesn’t know you so I don’t want to alarm her. She likes to take walks so I’ll bring her out so she can feel more comfortable out in the open.”

“Sure thing. I can’t wait to meet you in sixty years. I bet she’s hotter,” Dash grinned.

“You can’t seriously be considering flirting with a seventy-year old woman?” Willow’s voice dripped with disgust and a hint of jealousy.

“That depends on if you are seriously going to be jealous of a seventy-year old woman,” he countered.

And the bickering begins again.

I looked at Keiran who nodded his head once and headed over to a chess table currently occupied by an elderly man with a thick mane of snow-white hair.

I grabbed Willow and pulled her to the entrance to avoid another nauseating session of foreplay with words.

“Ugh, he just bothers me so much,” Willow groaned while I signed into the front desk before making my way to grandmother’s room.

“He doesn’t bother you, Willow. He affects you.”

“The difference O’ wise One?”

“His effect on you is only possible because of your feelings for him.” I pushed open the door while she sputtered and huffed. My grandmother was sitting by the window gazing out onto the front lawn and I wondered if she saw when I arrived or more importantly, who I arrived with.

“Who are those strapping young men, you two gals rode in with?” she asked without turning her attention away from the window. I had no doubt of who had her so transfixed.

“Strapping? Gals? Grandma Lane you get older every time we see you,” Willow jokingly stated.

“Ha! I made be old but I still got it and don’t you forget it. If I was just a few years younger…” She ran a hand through her hair suggestively and I couldn’t hold in the bouts of laughter any longer. I didn’t get two steps inside but she already managed to make me smile and laugh all in one.

“Just a few, huh?”

B.B. Reid's books