Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“So can I,” I countered.

He turned his head and studied my face. “No, you can’t. You’re too sheltered. You don’t have a clue, girl.”

“And you do?”

“More than you would think. I am the monster you would hide under the covers from as a kid.”

“You were a kid then too.”

“I was never a kid, Lake. I didn’t have a childhood. I didn’t have parents or a family. I was a body used for selfish gains that hurt people.”

“What about your mom?” I asked with a frown.

“She wasn’t much of a mom. I hardly knew her.”

“And now? Who are you now?”

“I’m a hopeless fuck who is obsessed with a girl he still wants to hurt.” I didn’t react to his confession. In truth, I didn’t know what to say or do. Obsession was a pretty powerful thing. How deep did his run?

A wind broke through the air and I shivered from the cold temperature, which he seemed to notice. “Let’s get you home,” he stated grimly.


I woke up the next morning to find Keiran gone. His side of the bed was warm which meant he hasn’t been gone long. Resigned to an early start, I let my feet sink into the plush carpet and made my way to the bathroom deciding that a hot soak was needed to relax my tired muscles.

While the tub filled with hot water, I reached for my bath salts and coconut oil and poured it into the rising water. Knowing that it would take a while to fill up the large, garden tub I left the bathroom to call Willow. Whoever woke up first usually called the other. We liked to torture each other that way.

“I’m going to visit grandma today. You up for it?” Willow sometimes came with me to Red Rock to visit my grandma. I figured today she might need an escape after dealing with Dash last night. Speaking of…

“Yes! When are we leaving?” Her voice sounded desperate and I frowned at the phone.

“Are you okay?”

“Tell you all about on the ride. So…the time?”

“Oh, uh. An hour or so?”

“Can’t make it faster?”

“Willow –”

“Fine. An hour it is then. But make it a quick one!” The line went dead before I could say anything else. Just when I thought Willow couldn’t get any crazier. I figured Buddy was home and driving her crazy but when she answered her voice sounded as if she had just woken up.

I walked back into the bathroom and looked over at the separate shower. I contemplated foregoing a soak to save time but my strained muscles protested when I lifted my shirt over my head.

I’ll just have to make it a quick soak.

I stepped into the steaming water and resisted the urge to jump back out when the heat pricked my skin. Goose bumps covered my skin as I sunk into the water. I quickly wrapped my hair into a messy, high bun and relaxed. Before long my eyes were closing in content and I forgot about my time constraints.

Minutes later I realized I dozed when a sound jarred me awake. My eyes flew open and I saw Keiran sitting on the edge of the bathtub, watching me. He was fully dressed in fresh clothing and looked well rested.

“Sore?” His voice sounded like liquid velvet melting over me. It felt better than the hot water and soothing salts.

“How did you get in here?” I asked instead.

“I swiped your key when you were sleeping and you didn’t answer my question.” I nodded my answer while his eyes raked over my nude body. “That’s too bad,” he muttered.

“Why did you come back?”

He shrugged and ran a hand through his dark hair, causing it to spike. “I wanted to be with you.”

“So why did you leave? You were afraid I would pry?”

“Are you going to?” He held my stare until I broke it. I released a slow breath and rested my head against the back of the tub.

B.B. Reid's books