Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Keiran,” I cried still facing away from him.

“Don’t!” he yelled. “Don’t fucking do that. Come here,” he ordered slowly. “Don’t make me come get you.”

I slowly turned, my mind racing for a way to placate him. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Keiran without a door separating us.

“Why are you here?” I asked, stalling for time.

“Time’s up,” he stated, moving for me.

Before I could react he hoisted me over his shoulder and carted me out the door. I watched his ass flex the entire way to Dash’s car, which, unfortunately was a short distance away. He drove off and we were parked in my driveway minutes later.

He came around to open my door and held out his hand to me. The gesture said more than what the eye could see. He could have easily lifted me out of the car without me being able to do anything to stop him but instead he was asking for my consent. To accept what was about the happen.

I did what any girl would do when faced with a seriously hot male that wanted you. I took his hand. He led me to the door, took my keys, unlocking it.

Here goes everything.

“Tell me what happened before Dash and Keenan got there.”

We were sitting in the kitchen while he checked over my body. I wasn’t expecting this once we once walked through the door. I was able to relax but not much.

“Not much. We spotted Trevor and Anya inside together.” I paused and looked for a reaction but there wasn’t even a flicker so I continued on. “He spotted us and I left the area and even the fairgrounds but he followed us out to the parking lot and grabbed me.”

There it was. He reacted to my last statement. Anger flashed in his eyes and his fists balled. I pretended I didn’t see and told him the rest of what happened. His expression was murderous by the time I finished.

“What do you think he meant by someone wanted to meet me?” I still couldn’t believe Trevor had stooped to kidnapping.

“Doesn’t matter. It will never happen.”

Wait. What? “You know who he was talking about? Who could Trevor and I have in common?”

“It’s not someone you have in common. It’s someone I have in common.”

“I don’t understand…”

“You don’t need to. I’ll handle it.”

“The hell I don’t. He was going to kidnap me, Keiran or don’t you get that?” My voice level rose with my frustration.

“Leave it alone.”

“No.” I stated, crossing my arms.

“No?” His eyes were nearly black now and that rebellious vein near his temple was throbbing.

“I’m going to find out what you are hiding Keiran. I deserve to know. Your past is the reason why you screwed up mine and I want to know why. I want to know all of it. Not the half-truths you gave me.”

“Do I ask you about your parents, Lake?” he yelled. The vibration of his voice shook me as it thundered through the kitchen.

“It’s your parents?” I asked, surprised. I could see the moment realization dawned on him. He cursed and stormed out of the kitchen. His footsteps pounding the floor until the front door slammed.

I hopped off the counter top and raced to the door. I didn’t know if I wanted to stop him or make sure he was gone. I opened the door just as Dash’s car raced down the street, recklessly. I stared at the receding taillights until they disappeared around the corner.

Way to go, Lake. You pissed him off and still don’t have any answers.

Once his car disappeared, I noticed a dark car with the headlights turned off sitting across the street. It pulled off in the direction Keiran just went and I frowned. I closed the door against the cold air and made sure to lock it before rushing for my cell phone in jacket. I tried Keiran’s phone multiple times before giving up and heading for my own car.

I didn’t have a clue as to where he might go besides home so I headed over there. I continued to call him and cursed when I realized I didn’t have Keenan’s number so I tried Sheldon’s.

“Hello,” she mumbled sleepy on the third ring.

B.B. Reid's books