Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Hey, look. Eleven o’clock.”

I looked over by the stage of acrobats and saw Trevor…with Anya. Kissing. Seeing the two of them together without a care in the world mad me sick and suddenly I wanted Keiran here with fierceness. “We need to move. I don’t want him to see me.”

“Too late. He’s already looking at you.”

Sure enough Trevor and Anya were both regarding us with hateful looks on their faces. I sincerely hoped Trevor wasn’t stupid enough to try anything. I took Sheldon and Willow’s hands and hurried away in the opposite direction.

“Hey, Lake!” I heard my name called out in a gruff voice.

“Well no one ever accused him of being smart.” Willow’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Keep walking,” I urged, rushing for the exit.

“He’s mighty ballsy,” Sheldon stated. She let go of my hand but kept up as I made my way to the car. A moment later she was on the phone telling someone that he was here. I had a good idea who.

We’d just cleared the gates when Trevor grabbed my arm, yanking me away from Willow and Sheldon. “Not so fast, sweetheart. Didn’t you miss me?”

“Take your hands off of me.”

“Why?” Anya snarled. “You think because you have Keiran that no one else is good enough for you? You couldn’t even get a boyfriend before.”

“Anya please get over yourself. Keiran never wanted you. You threw yourself at him.”

I almost had my arm out of his grip when he tightened it and began walking off with me in tow. “You’re coming with me. There is someone who wants to meet you.”

Before I could respond or scream for help I fell to the ground. Willow had jumped on Trevor’s back and began hurling insults and pulling his hair while Sheldon hit and kicked him from every angle. Luckily with Trevor’s arm broken he couldn’t get the upper hand, or so I thought.

“Get off me you crazy bitches!” he roared just before Willow went airborne and Sheldon hit the ground.

I saw red at seeing him manhandle my friends and before I could rethink it I delivered a two-piece to his face and swift kick to his groin bringing him to his knees.

I turned to help Sheldon and Willow who wasn’t moving from the ground. Pepé was sniffing at Willow’s face and making small sounds for his mother.

“Lake, watch out!”

I turned in time to see Trevor lunge for me with a murderous expression but before he could grab me he was thrown a few feet away by Dash and grabbed up by Keenan who delivered powerful blows to his face. They proceeded to tag team and beat the shit out of him. I winced at the beating he was taking. What surprised me most though was the absence of Keiran and how they’d gotten here so fast.

Sheldon was screaming for them to stop and as much as I hated Trevor I had to agree. They were quickly moving from assault to attempted murder if they carried on.

After a few more blows, Keenan grabbed Trevor by the arms and dragged him to Dash’s waiting car and threw him inside while Dash hurried over to Willow. He gathered her up into his arms and scooped up a scared Pepé.

“Where is her car?” His voice was rough and harsh and his face was a mask of unconfined fury. His whole body was shaking with barely controlled rage.

“Over – over there.” I pointed to her purple eclipse a few aisles over with a shaking hand. Willow seemed a little dazed from the fall but she was conscious and didn’t appear to have any injuries. He placed her in the passenger seat along with Pepé and turned to me.

“Go to her house and stay there. Keiran will come for you.” He jogged back over to his car. He and Keenan hopped in, and drove off… with an unconscious Trevor.

B.B. Reid's books