Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

Dash remained a beat and I could see the struggle in his eyes before he mumbled, “Fuck it,” and walked off after Keiran and Keenan.

Willow, Sheldon, and I were left, standing alone in the empty hallway. We each shared a look before shrugging and heading to the cafeteria. Lunch was one big social gathering that I still haven’t become accustomed to after many years of avoiding the area and people in general.

Willow still refused to sit at Keiran’s table because of her drama with Dash so we headed for an empty table to sit and I automatically looked around for Keiran but didn’t spot him. I was sure this was the direction he walked in and assumed he would come here. I looked around more and didn’t spot Keenan or Dash either.

“Hello Ladies and Thing.” Buddy straddled a chair next to me wearing a toothy grin.

“Get lost, kid.” Willow huffed.

“Since when do I do what you say?”

“Since I know where you keep the dirty magazines and stash of pornos and I’ll tell mom and dad.”

“Ha! Who do you think I got them from? Dad needed to get rid of the evidence,” he said secretly as he grinned stretched wider.


“Indeed,” he mimicked in a smarmy tone then turned to Sheldon and me. “Hey lover. Hey Sheldon.”

“Don’t ‘Hey Sheldon’ me. Next time you use the bathroom put the seat back down. I fell in and got an ass full of toilet water!” She threw a green bean at him, which he caught with his mouth.

“Don’t get mad at me because you don’t watch where you park your ass.”

“Wait, when were you at her house and why?” Willow grilled.

“Call of Duty. Duh. What’s your issue?”

“You’re fraternizing with the enemy? My own brother!”

“No one told you to give it up and get the guy sprung,” he had a disturbed look in his yes as he snatched a fry out of Willow’s tray.

“You don’t know what you are talking about, Buddy. Don’t start rumors.”

“I don’t have to. It’s already out there. Dash put the order out that you were off limits weeks ago. The poor schmuck from the other night was the only one to try but that was only because he’s new. Don’t worry. Dash already spoke with him too.” He shot Willow a devilish grin and her face paled before turning red.

“He had no right –”

“Tell him that, sis. I’m just an innocent bystander.”

“As his twin, I can tell you that Dash is up to something. He’s sneaky. He may be quiet now but I assure you he’s plotting so I hope you’re ready to give in.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Willow scoffed but it sounded forced.

“Willow, maybe talking to him instead of ignoring will work better. Tell him how you feel,” I suggested. Keiran may have been right. I was a hypocrite.

“My brother doesn’t care about how Willow feels or what she wants. He is acting on his own feelings now and what he wants is you. Right now, he’s looking for a weakness and the right moment to pounce.”

“This isn’t a war, Sheldon.”

“No, this is a Chambers. You’re screwed.”

“Thanks.” Willow replied dryly.

“Anytime, babe.”

“That is why I stay single,” Buddy included smugly.

“Because you’re ugly?” Willow asked.

“Just for that, I’m inviting Dash over tonight.”

“You better not!”

“Already happening,” he taunted, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text.

“That’s it. I’ve disowned you.” Buddy scoffed and rolled his eyes before locking them with mine.

“So Lake, what did you do to my boy?”

“And who would that be?”

“The muffin man,” he replied impatiently. “You know who.”

“What’s it to you?” I asked rather than answer his question.

“Because he’s is snapping and snarling at anyone who even walks past. He’s got some serious Lake fever going on.”


“Yeah. I swear you guys are better than my stories.” I shook my head at Buddy. He really did watch soap operas faithfully.

“I can handle Keiran.”

B.B. Reid's books