Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Can you?” His tone was laced with seriousness and his eyes bore into mine with concern in his eyes, a complete opposite of his normal playful self.

“Yes, Buddy. I promise.” And apparently I’m a liar too…


“I’m going to the fair tonight with Willow and Sheldon.”


“Yes.” Silence. “So?”

“So, what?”

“Nothing.” More silence. “Are you mad at me?”

“Should I be?”


“Then I guess I’m not.”

I was growing sick of his short answers. Keiran had been giving me the cold shoulder since I made Anya eat my locker at school. It didn’t seem like the situation with Anya was enough to walk around with a stick up the ass. We haven’t exchanged words since then. It was after school and we were lying in his bed, having just finished a few sweaty rounds of sex. He’d tricked me into my car by telling me he’d take me home but I ended up here instead.

“I think you are, though.” Silence again. “You won’t talk to me,” I tried again.

He released a breath. “You’re pissing me off.”


“I want you to stay away from Anya,” he ordered. Bingo! We have communication!

“Believe me, I don’t approach her willingly. Besides, she started it.” He stared me down until I shrunk back in my seat. “Fine,” I huffed.

“What time are you going to the fair?”


“Don’t do anything stupid tonight.”

“Yes, Dad.”


“Lighten up. You can’t control me, Keiran, so stop trying.”

“I can and I will,” he answered unapologetically. I don’t know why I bothered to tell him otherwise. Keiran would always do what he wanted but he wasn’t God, no matter how much he pretended to be.

“I won’t let you.”

“You can’t stop me. Do you even really want to or are you trying to save face?”

“I – I don’t know.” It was the truth. I really didn’t know.

“Listen. Trevor may be there. Don’t approach him and don’t provoke him. If he gets near you then you call me. Immediately. Do you understand?”

“Keiran, he can’t come within a thousand feet of me. I will be fine.”

“Do you need me to repeat myself again?” The look in his eyes told me to drop, which I did reluctantly. His body tensed when he mentioned Trevor, which was weird for someone who claimed not to care.

“Are we ever going to talk about it?” I looked up at him from my place on his chest but his eyes were closed. A deep frown line marred his features.

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“How can you say that?” I stated at him incredulously. “What if I get pregnant?” Being pregnant at my age would be the biggest threat to my future but being pregnant with Keiran’s baby would be the biggest threat to my sanity.

“No more questions. Get dressed,” he said, lifting from the bed and displaying his nakedness shamelessly. It took everything in me not to drool, watching his butt flex as he pulled on his discarded jeans.

“Why aren’t you coming to the fair?”

“Not my thing.”



How do you tell they guy who is supposed to be your enemy that you wanted to do all the corny things couples usually do like win prizes for each other and ride the Ferris wheel, holding hands without sounding like a lunatic? I wasn’t supposed to want these things with him. We were two people who hated each other and got lost in each other’s bodies. He’d said he didn’t hate me anymore but I knew that wasn’t true. He still carried hate in his eyes for me but it was clouded by lust.

“Nothing,” I answered dejectedly.

Chapter TwentyFour

B.B. Reid's books