Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

I poked Keiran in the back and he finally pulled me back around in front of him. “What was that?” I demanded while sending Keenan a displeased look.

“You got the first roll,” he said, gesturing toward the lane and ignoring my question. I was pretty sure there was steam coming from my ears as I walked to the lane. I took one last look at Willow who was at the counter getting shoes with Thomas before picking up a ball.

Two strikes later, I was admitting that I sucked at bowling but didn't have time to pout about it because in swaggered a pissed off Dash. Right now he was a far cry from the easygoing, playboy who could charm the panties off any girl he chose.

He headed straight for Willow where she was two lanes away looking bored. Willow had yet to see him when he came up behind her. He snatched Thomas’ arm from her shoulder before gripping the back of her neck, picking up her purse and shoes and guiding her towards the door.

He gave a brief nod to Keiran and Keenan as he passed us with Willow who never said a word. She was either in shock or just happy to be ending her date. Just like that he was out the door with her. It ended as fast as it had begun.

I turned accusing eyes on the culprits who shrugged and feigned innocent looks. I wasn’t buying it. They called him here. I looked over two lanes at Thomas who was red-faced and confused. Poor guy. He seemed nice enough but he unknowingly entered a battle he had no hope of winning. Ever.

“Are you going to let me call her?”

“Why?” He picked up his ball for his turn.

“To make sure she’s okay?” Guys could be so dense.

“She’s okay.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I know Dash.”

“And I know Willow.” I held out my hand, indicating that I wanted my phone. He held my gaze and reached into his pocket.

“You’re a handful, you know that?”

“So they keep telling me.” I turned away and immediately dialed Willow. I had to phone her twice before she answered.

“Aren’t you on a date?” I heard Dash’s smooth voice filter through the line.

“Why are you answering her phone? Put her on.”

“No.” That was all I heard before the line went dead. I looked over at Keiran who was trying his best not to look amused.

“Satisfied?” He asked with a smirk. I made a face and pocketed my phone.

“Whatever. Is it my turn? Where did Keenan and Sheldon go anyway?” I was more than annoyed and didn’t do anything to hide it.

He shrugged and picked up my ball then handed it to me. “You suck at this.”

“Thanks. I didn’t notice,” I quipped.

He ignored my sarcasm and wrapped his arms around me, duck walking us to the lane. “You got a good ball but you need to adjust your stance. Your legs are spread too wide.”

He kicked my left foot forward slightly and adjusted my stance.

“Now when you aim, aim for the right since you are right handed. You’re aiming for the middle, which is causing a split that is when you actually do hit the pins. It makes it hard to get the rest. I want you to release the ball in front of you. Don’t swing back so much because if you hurt yourself and hit those pretty, long legs and can’t wrap them around me, I’ll be mad as fuck at you. Bend at the knees not at your back. The only thing allowed to break your back out is me and I promise you will love it but this way, not so much. Pay attention to your aim. You’r3 not aiming at the pins, your aiming at the arrow you want the ball to follow. The pins just happen to be in the way.”

I’ll be honest here. I wasn’t sure if we were talking about bowling or sex. Maybe Sheldon was right and I am dick dizzy.

“Let’s see you try.” Oh, bowling. Right.

I tried to remember what he said once he released me and his scent wasn’t driving me nuts. I kept my stance like he told me and aimed for the arrows and released. The ball smoothly rolled forward and hit the pins.

B.B. Reid's books