Mid Life Love (Mid Life Love #1)

He slapped my ass again. “That you what?”

“That I can’t wait to...to ride your dick again.”

“Hmmm...” He pulled out of me and untied my hands, kissing my hands as he did it. “Was that so hard to say? Why couldn’t you say that a few minutes ago?”

I didn’t get a chance to answer him. He’d already flipped me over so that I was on top of him.

He brushed a few strands of hair away from my face and leaned up to kiss me—gently biting my bottom lip and caressing my back.

I was looking into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, and he was looking back into mine. I didn’t want to say a word; I felt like we could sit like that forever and communicate just by gazing at one another.

He smiled and lay back against the seat.

I slowly adjusted my legs and straddled him, slowly sinking myself onto his dick. I gasped once he was completely inside of me; shut my eyes once he gripped my hips.

“Don’t close your eyes,” he whispered. “I want to look at you.” He waited for me to blink them open, commanding me to move without saying another word.

I pressed my palms onto his chest and started to rock—back and forth, up and down, around and around. I moaned as he reached up and caressed my br**sts with his hands, as he rolled my ni**les between his fingers.

“Claire...” He kept his eyes locked on mine. “Lean forward.”

“No.” I leaned back and put my arms behind me, grabbing onto his thighs, and rotated my hips. I tried to keep a steady rhythm—a steady slow one, but my body’s needs overrode my mind’s thoughts.

“Ahhhh...” I let go of his legs and leaned forward, driving myself deeper and deeper into him, screaming as he met me thrust for thrust.

He reached for my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine. “Don’t stop...” His breathing was becoming erratic.

“I’mmmm...I’m about to...I—”

“Don’t cum yet.” He let my hands go and wrapped his arms around me, giving me an intense stare. “Wait for me.”

“I can’t...I—”


My hips were bucking wildly; my breaths were becoming shorter and shorter. If he didn’t let me cum soon I was going to lose the ability to breathe.

He rose up, still buried deep inside of me with his arms around my waist, and took what little breath I had away with an open mouthed kiss.

“Let go,” he whispered against my lips and my insides exploded all around him.

I felt him jerking inside of me and that sent another scream-worthy sensation ripping through my body. The force of it knocked me forward into his chest and made both of us fall back against seat.

“You’re amazing...” He rubbed his palms against my back.

I murmured something, maybe “thank you,” and continued sucking in as much air as I could. I was breathing like I’d just finished a marathon—still shuddering from that mind-blowing climax.

I can’t believe I just had sex in a grocery store parking lot...What the hell is wrong with me?

I took a few more deep breaths, breathing in the sweet scent of his cologne. I winced as he moved me off of him, as he sat up and began picking up my clothes.

“We have a lot of sex, Jonathan...” I gasped once I realized that I’d said that out loud.

“Is that a problem?”

“No...It’s just different for me...”

“Me too.” He sat next to me and smoothed my hair with his hands.

I find that hard to believe...

“How is it different for you? You didn’t have endless sex with any of the other sixteen women?”


“I thought you said you didn’t lie. I refuse to believe that you didn’t indulge or enjoy—”

“Claire,” he said, letting out an exasperated sigh, “you’re completely incomparable to any woman I’ve ever dated. Period.”


He pressed his fingers against my lips. “I don’t like to compare past relationships, but since I know you’ll keep thinking about it if I don’t...” He looked into my eyes. “I did enjoy having sex with the women of my past—I liked it. Really liked it. But I honestly could’ve done without it because it was never memorable. It never made me feel anything. It’s not like that with you. I love having sex with you, and I personally don’t think we have enough. But that’s not the only reason why this is different for me...In my past relationships, I never thought about any of them the way I think about you. You’d be surprised how often you cross my mind...Do I need to say more or is that answer good enough for now?”

“For now.” I smiled and he gave me a kiss.

“Are you going to finish your grocery shopping now?” He held my shirt up so I could slip my arms through it.

“No. I can’t go back in there...”

“Why not?”

“Because everyone will know that I just had sex.”


“I’m pretty sure the sweat and the male cologne on my skin will give it away.”


“So, I’m not going in there.” I rolled my eyes as he helped me into my pants.

“Would it help if I went in with you?”

Whitney Gracia Williams's books