Mid Life Love (Mid Life Love #1)

I shook my head.

“Good.” He slid off the hood and pulled me up. “Leave your phone there...I’ve always wanted to do this to someone.”

“Do wh—” Before I could get the words out, he was picking me up and my body was free falling in the air. The next thing I knew, I was hitting the cold waters of the ocean and sinking down below.

I frantically swam back up to the surface, splashing all around and gasping for air, looking for wherever he was so I could kill him.

He came up to the surface a few feet away, laughing. “Did you like that? Corey claims some water from the Fountain of Youth was poured in here centuries ago. If he’s right we’ll wake up ten years younger tomorrow.”

“Are you crazy? What if I didn’t know how to swim? You can’t just throw people into the ocean!”

He shrugged. “I guess you would’ve died...But since you told me you knew how to swim weeks ago, I’m glad that wasn’t a lie.”

“Do you record our conversations?”

“Every single one.”

“Whatever. You expect me to drive home wet?”

“Not this type of wet, no.”

“I’m serious!”

“It’s taken care of. Greg will be here soon. In the meantime...” He gave me one of his ‘I’m about to f**k you’ looks and moved towards me.

I swam away from him as fast as I could, heading towards the beach.

As the cool waves lapped up against my skin, I realized that I’d never felt so free, so alive.

Once I made it to the shoreline, I stood up and tried to run, but Jonathan grabbed me from behind and pulled me down to the sand.

“I don’t think sand and sex go together.” I laughed as he pinched my ni**les through my wet shirt.

“Who said anything about sex? Is that always on your mind?”

“Is it always on yours?”

“Of course.” He laughed. “Come on, we need to get out of these clothes.”

He helped me up and walked me along the beach, to one of the small wooden villas. He entered a code on a small keypad and the door glided open.

He waited for me to walk inside and motioned for me to sit on a white loveseat.

I looked all around, in genuine awe of the place. It was fitted with a beautiful brick fireplace, a state of the art kitchen, and I could see a large bedroom across the hall.

“Is this your vacation rental?”

“A rental?” He opened a closet. “No, I own this. I own all of them.”

“Why do you need so many?”

“I had them built last year. One of the members on my board asked me to invest in a similar project in Florida. After seeing how profitable it was, I decided to open my own here. They’ll be available for people to rent in a few months. Would you like one for yourself?”

“Oh, no...I probably couldn’t afford—”

“You wouldn’t have to pay for it.” He handed me a stack of towels and a small white box. “You should know better than that by now.”

I opened the box and saw silk panties, a pair of gray sweats, a pink T-shirt, and matching flip flops. “You’re always prepared aren’t you? How many sets of these do you—”

“I bought everything in that box just for you,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I’d planned on bringing you here after our first date at Michel Mina’s, but I believe you stood me up.”

“You’re still not over that?”

“I’m getting there. You can go change in the bedroom. Would you like a sandwich?”

“Yes...Thank you.” I walked over to the bedroom and closed the door.

This is beautiful...

The room was set up like a dream suite: The satin canopy that hung from the ceiling was swaying back and forth in the wind. The elegant bed was covered in a sea blue duvet that complemented all the white furniture.

I ran my hands across the sheets and knew that their thread count was in the thousands. I drew the drapes completely open and gasped at the breathtaking view; I could see the ocean waves lapping up over the shore, the seagulls circling around the dock above.

Sighing, I pulled the drapes closed and peeled out of my wet clothes. I bent over to pick up the stack of towels and froze—Jonathan had walked into the room.

He wasn’t wearing anything but a towel around his waist, and I was pretty sure he couldn’t see me from where he was standing.

He stepped further into the room. “I forgot to ask what type of sandwich you—” His eyes met mine.

He didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t look like he even remembered that he was talking. He was standing there staring at my naked body, making me blush red all over.

He walked over and picked up my towels. “Face the window.”

I froze. I couldn’t function—couldn’t even breathe, when he looked at me like that.

He kissed my lips and smiled. He pulled my hair on top of my head and tucked it into a towel, planting light kisses all over my face. He took another towel and slowly brushed it over my shoulders, my br**sts, and my stomach. “So beautiful...”

Whitney Gracia Williams's books