If It Fornicates (Market Garden, #4)

“It does.” Spencer beamed at him.

Nick couldn’t help the chuckle. “You’re adorable like that.”

Spencer laughed. “Well. You’re not bad when you’re relaxed, either. I mean, you’re stunning when you’re beating the hell out of me, but I’m really into that other side of you. This one.”

“That’s lucky. As my boyfriend, you’re getting to see a lot of that.”

Spencer smiled. “I’m lucky.”

Nick sat up, though his shoulders protested the movement. Maybe mellow vanilla was really the only thing he was capable of now. “Strip,” he told Spencer.

Spencer’s brow creased, like he wasn’t quite sure if it had been a suggestion or an order. But then he visibly decided it was an order, or was at least to be treated like an order. He climbed off the bed and shed his clothes. Nick was pleased to see he was almost hard. Spencer moved back towards the edge of the bed.

“Get the handcuffs and lie on your back.”

Spencer fished the cuffs from the nightstand and stretched out in the middle of the bed. He lifted his arms up, and Nick closed one cuff around his wrist, then wove the chain and free cuff through the headboard’s bars, and closed the cuff around Spencer’s wrist on the other side.

Spencer was fully erect now, eyes focused on Nick. Nick trailed his fingers across Spencer’s chest. “Maybe I’ll have your nipples pierced,” Nick mused. “I could possibly do it myself.”

The small cringe was at least partly anticipation. “Your . . . yourself?”

“Mm-hmm.” Nick grinned. “You trust me, don’t you?”

Spencer nodded without hesitation, but his brow was still creased.

Nick reached up and caressed Spencer’s face. “Would you let me do that? Pierce your nipples?”

Spencer swallowed. “Do I . . .?”

“Yes.” Nick stroked his cheek. “You have a choice. It wasn’t a trick question.”

Spencer held his gaze for a moment, then nodded. “I would, yes.”

Nick smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. It could be fun.” He reached for the massage oil Spencer had been using, and put some in his own hand. “I think it could also be fun for you to fuck me.”

Spencer inhaled sharply, back arching a little.

“I know you’d like that.” Nick set the bottle aside, and then reached for Spencer’s cock, which was now fully erect. He watched Spencer’s face as he slowly wrapped his slippery fingers around the man’s cock, and smiled as Spencer closed his eyes and bit his lip. Teasingly, he slid his hand from the base to the tip, then twisted just a little before sliding back down.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

Spencer licked his lips, but didn’t open his eyes. “I can’t think . . . about anything. Except . . .” He groaned and lifted his hips a little, forcing his cock through Nick’s tight fist.

“I want you to think about it,” Nick whispered. “Focus, Spencer. I know you can.”

His sub squirmed, bit his lip again, and the frustrated little noise he let slip made Nick shiver.

“Are you thinking about it?” he asked, drawing his hand up the length of Spencer’s dick. “Are you thinking about what it would be like to fuck me?”

Spencer nodded.

“I asked you a question.”

“Yes. I am.”

“Good.” Nick slowed his hand, but held on tighter. “And you like it? The way it plays out in your mind?”

“Very much.”

“How do you picture it?” Nick cleared his throat. “What position?”

Spencer sucked in a breath. “I . . . like this. You on . . . you on top of me.”

Nick bit his own lip to mask the gasp. God, this man was a sub right to the bone, wasn’t he? “With your hands bound?”

Spencer nodded. “Maybe even . . . maybe even ankles.”

It never ceased to amaze Nick how much Spencer could turn him on. “You know, it’s been a while.”

Spencer’s brow furrowed, though his eyes were still closed. “What?”

“Since anyone has fucked me.”

“Oh.” Spencer squirmed, the handcuff chain rattling against the bedframe. “How long?”

“Long enough.” Nick took his time sliding his hand all the way up to the head of Spencer’s cock. Then he gripped even tighter, though of course not too painfully, and just before he started the downstroke, whispered, “Long enough to be very, very tight.”

“Oh God.” Spencer’s eyes flew open as Nick started downward with a tight fist. He arched and squirmed. “Fuck . . .”

“That’s the idea, yes,” Nick said and winked. “And I’ve never taken a man your size before.”

Spencer closed his eyes and whimpered. He thrust upward into Nick’s hand, his cock stiffening.

“You’re not allowed to come yet, you know.”

Spencer released another whimper, one that almost sounded like profanity, and shut his eyes tighter. His hands closed into fists. Opened. Closed again.

Nick stroked him faster. “You won’t be able to come when you fuck me, either. Not until I say so.”

Spencer opened his eyes, but stared up at the ceiling, mouthing something Nick didn’t understand.

“You wouldn’t come, would you?” Nick asked.