Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“What did you guys get?” Tessa changed the subject.

“Damon got me a new coat and a few other things.” Nicole grinned. “I didn’t want much because I want to work on finding a house.”

“What did you get, Pam?” Nicole nodded toward her.

“A wedding.” Pam grinned when they both just stared at her. When her words finally sunk in, both women screamed, scaring poor Daniel, making him scream right along with them.

“They give me a heart attack every time they do that,” Jared cursed, watching the women hugging each other. “What the hell is going on over there?”

“Guess Pam told them what I gave her for Christmas.” Duncan grinned, taking a long swig of beer.

“And?” Jared glanced at Damon with raised eyebrows, then looked back to Duncan. “Can you share?”

“Yeah.” Duncan laughed. “A wedding.”

Everyone was quiet until an earsplitting scream echoed in the room. Sid placed his hands on his face, and then cut the scream off. “Sorry, just couldn’t help it.” He raised his beer to Duncan. “Congrats, bro. Really,” he added before walking off.

“He’s just not right,” Jared sighed before grinning at Duncan. “Congrats, my man. When’s the big day?”

“March 18,” Duncan replied, still grinning from ear-to-ear.

“I’m happy for you, Duncan.” Damon slapped him on the back. “You guys deserve to be happy.”

Jared glanced over watching the women talk, but noticed that Tessa was a little more subdued. Putting his beer on the bar, he headed over by the women. “I hear congratulations are in order.” He leaned down kissing Pam on the cheek.

“Thanks.” Pam smiled.

“Now, may I steal my lady away from you for a few minutes?” Jared grabbed Tessa’s hand, leading her out of the room and into another one. Closing the door, he turned. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she answered back with a blush.

“Are you okay?” Jared brushed her hair off her cheek, loving the pink blush the crept across her skin

“Yeah, why?”

“I haven’t forgotten your Christmas present, babe.” Jared rubbed her cheek with his thumb. When she didn’t say anything, he sighed. “You know I love you more than anything in this world.”

Tessa frowned. “Yes, I know.”

“No, I don’t think you do.” Jared looked away. “If I was to change you and something happened, something went wrong, I couldn’t handle it. I’m not willing to take that chance with your life.” He hated the look of hurt and disappointment that she desperately tried to hide from her face. But the thought of losing her was simply too much.

“It’s okay.” Tessa tried to smile. “I understand.”

“I’m not going to feed from Vicky anymore,” Jared reassured her. “And I’m going to talk to Slade about our situation.”

“It’s not really about Vicky.” When she saw his knowing frown, she sighed. “Okay, it is a little bit about Vicky, but I want to be the one to give you what you need. Why can’t you understand that? You could feed from a little old man, and I’d still feel that I wasn’t giving you what you need.”

“I have to feed, Tessa.”

“I know that, Jared.” Tessa calmed herself, knowing that getting heated wasn’t going to help the situation. “But more than anything, I want my blood to be enough for you.”

“Let me talk to Slade, okay?” Jared hugged her tight. “We will work this out.”

Tessa nodded into his chest. “I know we will.”

Jared reached behind him and locked the door. “I think I need to show you just how much I love you.”

“If you insist, Mr. Kincaid.” Tessa grinned with a sigh as he proceeded to do just that.

Jared could still see the doubt in her beautiful eyes and vowed he would spend the rest of their lives proving to her that she was the only woman he would ever love.


Duncan brought in everything from the Christmas party while Pam put Daniel down for the night. Looking around his home, he smiled. It finally looked lived in. Something he had yearned for.

Heading to the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. Pam liked to have a glass before going to sleep. Pushing open the door, he walked out and stopped, dropping one of the glasses.

“Jesus.” Duncan swallowed hard. Standing before him was Pam, wearing only a Christmas-red bra and panties. A red velvet bow graced her beautiful neck. His eyes traveled down her body to the red high heels.

“Merry Christmas,” her voice was low and raspy.

In two steps, he was in front of her, his eyes never leaving her body. Leaning over her, without touching, he set the bottle of wine and one glass on the table behind her, his eyes never leaving hers. Taking her hand, he lifted her arm, twirling her around, his eyes taking in every inch.

Teresa Gabelman's books