Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“She isn’t doing anything.” Duncan’s voice was stern and final as more pounding started. Pam just sat holding Daniel in shock.

Duncan opened the door, but blocked Jared as he tried to go to Pam. “She isn’t leaving this house.”

“Fuck you for even thinking I would suggest it.” Jared pushed past Duncan making his way to Pam.

Looking up at Jared, Pam shook her head. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No, it’s not,” Jared replied sternly. “But I need you to tell me what this means.” He handed her the paper Kenny had left.

Taking the paper she read it.

One bitch for another. If I even catch a whiff of a Warrior, I will kill her. You know where I am, Pam. Don’t make me take another life because of you. See you soon, sweetheart.

She could hear Kenny’s voice in her mind as if he was reading it to her.

“Where is it, Pam?” Jared knelt down to take the note from her, handing it to Duncan who stood close. “Where did he take her?”

“I can’t tell you.” Her eyes rose to meet his. “He will kill her, Jared.”

“Fuck!” Jared stood, walking away, looking like he wanted to kill something.

Pam looked down at Daniel, his eyes watching her. God, how she loved this child. This had to end, mostly for the innocent staring so intently at her. Until Kenny was stopped, Daniel would never have a normal life, and neither would any of them. Leaning down, she kissed his cheek and nose.

“I love you, Daniel Duncan Roark.” She touched his cheek as she stood, handing Daniel to Nicole.

“No, Pam.” Nicole shook her head but took Daniel.

“What are you doing?” Duncan grabbed her arm, but she shook it off walking to Jared, who stood talking to Damon and Sid, trying to come up with a plan.

“He isn’t lying.” Pam stopped in front of Jared. “If he even thinks you guys are anywhere near he will kill her. He wants me.”

“We are not making a trade, Pam,” Jared replied, his anguish clear in his eyes, a hardness she had never heard in his voice.

“Then you’ll never see her again.” Pam tilted her head. “Can you live with that? I sure can’t.”

“Just tell us where she is and we will get her.” Sid cracked his knuckles.

“You’re not going anywhere near that place,” Duncan growled.

“Then she dies. I can’t live with that.” She felt her eyes welling up. “How can I face any of you, especially Jared, when I know I could have done something?” A mixture of fear and determination laced her words.

“No!” Duncan shook his head, refusing to listen. “It’s not happening. You’re going nowhere near him, Pam.”

“I want my life back, Duncan. Don’t you get it? This is a no win situation for me. If I stay, Tessa dies, and that is on my head, my conscience, and I will have to live the rest of my life with that. I can’t do it.” She shook her head. “If I go…” Pam looked up at Duncan, her face filled with pain, and then she turned to look at Daniel in Nicole’s arm. She knew what would happen if she went and was sure so did everyone else, but this wasn’t about her getting to live the life she wanted. This was Kenny shoving his will down her throat again, and it had to stop. “If I go, then Daniel has a chance of a normal life. With Kenny after me, he never will get that. Right now, Daniel and Tessa are what’s important. This needs to end, and it can end.”

Pam wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all, but in order to have the life she wanted, her past had to be put to rest. If that meant her giving up to Kenny, then so be it. Hopefully, she could find her way back to where she belonged, with Duncan and Daniel.

Duncan cursed, pulling her away from everyone and into the kitchen. “You are important to me and Daniel,” Duncan hissed. “I won’t lose you.”

Pam’s heart fractured a little at Duncan’s words. She knew there was no other choice, but the one she had decided upon. The love and fear radiating from Duncan swelled her heart. Walking up to him, Pam wrapped her arms around Duncan’s hard body. “This has to end.” She kissed him, a soft small kiss on his lips. “I love you, but this has to end.”

“We can get her out,” Duncan argued, not willing to give an inch.

“Can you promise me Tessa won’t be hurt or killed?” When he just stared at her without making that promise, she laid her head on his chest. “I have to do this, Duncan.”

Jared walked in with Sid and Damon hot on his heels. “We have a plan.”

Adam followed moments later. “Count me in.”

“Shit is about to get real.” Sid smiled, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.


Sloan dragged Jeff out of the house ignoring his screams of pain. He made sure to run him into a wall when Jeff started screaming threats at Jill.

“What am I going to do with you?” Slade turned Jill’s face to his, keeping her focus off Jeff.

“Why?” Jill frowned. “I didn’t do anything.”

Teresa Gabelman's books