Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Yes, sir.” The nurse nodded. “We were warned that we would probably get the response we got. It seems after she was turned, her parents and family disowned her. We had to try as they are her-”

“Thank you.” Slade had heard enough. He grabbed the paperwork taking a pen off the small table next to the hospital bed. The first line was her name. He didn’t even know her last fucking name. Now he knew what her comment meant when she fell to sleep. He’d bet his last dollar none of the others knew her last name either.

“I’m sorry.” The nurse turned to leave.

“What is her last name?” It was more of a growl than a question.

“Her legal name is Jillian Robin Nichols.” The nurse watched him write it down before she turned, leaving him alone.

Slade wrote the name then looked over at her. “Jillian.” He smiled. She looked like a Jillian.

Chapter 27

Pam drove slow enough so that her shaking hands could control the steering wheel. As the men had made their plans - that didn’t include her - Pam had left the kitchen saying she had to go to the bathroom; instead, she had grabbed a set of keys on her way upstairs and jumped from the window. She knew Kenny better than any of them, and if he even thought the Warriors were close, he would kill Tessa with no hesitation and certainly no remorse.

Clicking her blinker on, she stared down a road she swore she would never step foot on again. She sat on Kellogg Ave., her blinker lighting up green in the dark car. No cars were coming, but still she sat. Turning her head, she looked at the street sign, River Row Road. Looking at her hand on the steering wheel, she spotted the ring, warmth and sadness spreading through her. Quickly, she pulled it off, shoving it deep in her pocket. No need to stir Kenny up more than necessary.

A horn blared behind her making her jump. “Shit! Okay!” she shouted. “Okay,” she repeated more calmly. God, she had to get a grip.

“Time to put your big girl panties on and end this.” Her voice was resolute as she spoke to herself in the darkness, and turned into the road. “One way or another, this ends tonight. Just please, God, let me see my baby and Duncan again.”

Pulling up to the house at the end of the road, she flipped off her lights and stared. This use to be one of her favorite places in the world to come, but that all changed. It was filled with nightmares that she’d rather forget. This was Kenny’s house of horrors, a place he used for his sickness.

Her eyes quickly looked away from the small white house that stood so innocently against the Ohio River. Rain splattered the windshield. Movement of the curtains caught her eye. Turning off the car, she left the keys in the ignition.

Stepping out, she shut the door and climbed the steps. With one deep breath, she reached out opening the door, preparing herself for his tricks, but instead of walking in as the Pam she had been when she’d last seen him, she walked in with a new purpose. She had to survive this; she had so much to live for.

The door slammed behind her, and she was immediately smacked in the back of the head. Turning around, she came face-to-face with her walking-talking nightmare.

“Can’t believe you fell for that again. You always were a dumb bitch.” Kenny tsked shaking his head. Grabbing her by the neck, he pushed her the rest of the way in. “Get the fuck in here. Where’s my kid at?”

Pam caught herself before she fell. “He’s not a part of this.”

“Since you pressed charges on me for rape, we need to travel anyway and can’t be dragging the brat along. And don’t think we won’t be discussing the charges you pressed against me,” Kenny warned. “But now that I know you can breed, I’ll keep you nice and pregnant.”

Knowing she would kill herself first, Pam ignored his bullshit as she searched around for Tessa. Spotting her in a chair tied up, Pam ran over to her. “Are you okay?”

“You shouldn’t be here,” Tessa whispered, her eyes shooting to Kenny.

Pam untied her and helped her up. “You said you’d let her go.” Pam walked toward the door with Tessa trying to stay as far away from him as possible, but he caught her hair pulling her away from Tessa.

“I know what I said.” Using her hair as leverage, he whirled her into the wall.

Something inside Pam snapped as Daniel’s little face flashed in her mind. She had to survive this. She had to see her family again. That’s what Daniel and Duncan were, her family. Slowly, she stood up. “Don’t ever hit me again, you sick son of a bitch.”

Kenny laughed, shaking his head, turning toward Tessa. “Well you turned into a little badass now, didn’t you?” He picked up his leg to kick her, but she grabbed his foot, yanking it hard, sending him to the floor.

Fear spurred her forward, but before she could make it to the door, her foot was grabbed making her fall to her knees. With one yank, she was on her stomach being pulled back into the house. Picking up her other foot, she kicked him in the face repeatedly, but his hold didn’t loosen.

Teresa Gabelman's books