Duncan (The Protectors #3)

When Pam noticed Tessa just stood there staring, horror evident on her face, Pam screamed, “Go, dammit!”

“I’m not leaving you.” Tessa ran back into the house.

“You are going to pay for that, bitch.” Kenny climbed on top of her turning her over. As his fist raised to smash down on Pam’s face, she remembered a lesson learned during her training. Thrusting up with the palm of her hand, she smashed it against his nose, just as a loud clunk echoed in the room. Kenny groaned, slumping forward.

Tessa stood over him with a lamp she had cracked him with.

Pam scrambled out from under him to her feet, grabbed Tessa and took off out the door. As soon as both women hit the ground, they slid in the mud, Pam’s phone skidding out of her hand.

“Dammit.” Pam reached, grabbing her phone out of the mud. With trembling fingers, she went to her messages and hit send, sending the message she had programmed to Duncan with the address of where she went. The click of a gun made her cringe, her eyes closing in defeat. This was it. She would never see Duncan or Daniel again. Her heart broke.

“If you just messaged the Warriors, they’re going to be too late. Now get the fuck up, you worthless slut,” Kenny spat.

The sound of triple quick beeps of a text alert echoed in the darkness.

“We’re already here.” Duncan’s voice rose out of the darkness.

Pam looked up, her hair plastered to her head and face as the cold rain beat down. She watched as each Warrior appeared, removing black hooded cloaks that blended them into the darkness.

“Well, welcome to the party.” Kenny aimed the gun at Tessa. “But you’re a little too late for the human.”

In a movement so quick, Duncan threw something that whizzed over the women’s heads. Pam ducked, then turned to see a knife sticking out of Kenny’s arm and the gun dropping to the ground.

Kenny’s scream of pain was enough to send Pam and Tessa running. Duncan grabbed Pam putting her safely behind him. She looked around his arm to see Kenny pulling the knife out of his arm.

“You fucker,” Kenny screamed, throwing the knife back at Duncan who just batted it away.

“Get her out of here,” Duncan ordered, his eyes never leaving Kenny.

“But…” Pam tried to argue, but Sid was there grabbing her.

“Now!” Duncan’s tone was low, but the authority made it seem like he shouted.

“Pam, get back here!” Kenny yelled stomping toward her, an insane look in his eyes, the look of a man who knew he was about to die. “Pam!”

Duncan took two steps, punching Kenny in the face. “You’re not fit to say her name, you worthless son of a bitch.”

Kenny’s head snapped back as blood spurted from his nose. He tried to punch back, but missed, landing in the mud. Duncan used his boot, pushing Kenny’s head and face into the mud.

“How does it feel to be humiliated, you bastard?” Pushing down hard one last time, he removed his foot. “Get up!” Duncan growled.

“She will never be yours,” Kenny grunted, spitting mud and blood. “I made damn sure she would never forget me. Every time you fuck that bitch, it will be me she sees and fear she feels.”

Duncan grabbed him around the throat and lifted him in the air. “She is a strong woman and has already moved on.” Duncan squeezed harder, making him splutter and claw at his hand. “I will erase you from her memory. After this moment, you will never be thought of again. You will never hurt her again.”

Dropping Kenny to his feet, he turned him around pushing him up to the house and inside. Slamming the door with his foot, he smacked Kenny in the back of the head just like he knew Kenny had done to Pam.

“What are you doing?” Kenny tripped, catching himself.

Duncan didn’t say a word and dodged when Kenny came at him swinging. With one well-placed kick to the stomach, Kenny was down on the ground sucking air. “Making sure you never bring Pam pain again.” Duncan punched him again in the face, satisfied when one of his fangs broke.

“You broke my fang,” Kenny cried out, feeling it with his finger.

Duncan punched him on the other side of the mouth. When he didn’t break that one, he punched him again until it did. “I don’t have a file, or I’d file the fucking things down to the gums.”

A black-hooded figure came in handing Duncan his cape. Duncan put it on lifting the hood over his head. He took the container, and then nodded at the other figure who turned and walked to the kerosene heater in the corner and lit it. Without looking their way, the hooded figure walked out of the room.

“What is that?” Kenny’s eyes filled with fear when the smell of kerosene filled the air. “What’s going on?”

Duncan grabbed him, throwing him to the couch and holding him there with his foot. “Don’t think I didn’t see the faded burn scars on Pam’s skin, you sick fuck.” Duncan sprayed kerosene on Kenny, making sure he moved his foot.

Teresa Gabelman's books