The Shy Girl and the Stripper

Geo muttered something raw and lewd as she pulled the pants back up. “Finish fast, baby girl, or you’re going to in wearing them.”

Her arousal growing to the point all she wanted to do was tackle Geo back onto the blanket and tear off the last of his clothes, she pushed the jeans down her legs and danced out of them. Then, feeling feisty for the first time since childhood, Sunny turned and ran into the pond.

“Hey, get back here,” Geo called just before she dove into the water and began to swim.

She was halfway across the pond when a large hand grabbed her foot and pulled her back. She did not fight because she really had not been trying to get away. She needed to feel the cool water against her skin and exert a little of the energy that was all piled up in her lower belly. While Geo’s decision they not masturbate or play with themselves had been one Sunny barely survived, now that she was with the big man who flipped every switch in her body to “white hot and ready,” she needed to cool off.

But the pond was warm from the sun, and the air temperatures were more like a tepid bath than the cold dip she had hoped for.

Floating, she allowed Geo to pull her back so they were floating on their sides, face-to-face. “Feeling horny?” he asked as his hand reached out and plucked at the front fastening of her bra.

“You have no idea,” she responded softly as fingers from one hand traced down the center of his body, poking into his belly button and further down to his cock. Before she got there, she realized something. “What happened to your underwear?”

“I took them off,” he stated easily as he flipped open her bra. “Mmmm, so pretty,” he said as the bra cups separated and floated off her breasts.

Sunny shrugged and watched her bra float away. A moment later, the matching thong joined it. Then she found herself wrapped in Geo’s arms and being pulled along as he swam back toward the blanket.

Only he did not take her all the way to shore. They were still a ways from the shoreline when he stopped and stood up. The water came up to his hips. The head of his cock broke the surface, flashing its deep red head at her and proving the swim had done nothing to cool Geo’s ardor, either.

When she moved to stand up, Geo stopped her. “Relax and float, baby girl,” he said.

He then pulled her legs apart and stepped in between them. Holding one hip, he stepped closer until his other hand could guide the tip of his cock straight into her open, wet, needy *. Once the head was in, the hand holding the base reached for her other hip, and he pulled her until the wiry pelt of fur around the base of his cock tickled the soft, smooth skin around her entrance.

Looking deep into her eyes, he said, “I love you, Sunflower Carlyle, and with everything in me I promise to be the best husband I can be. Through thick and thin, good times and bad, I pledge myself to you and only you, from now until the day after eternity.”

His energy radiated from him like a glowing, living thing with such confidence, such happiness. Staring deep into Geo’s bright brown eyes, she saw her forever.

There was only one thing she could do. Reaching up to his shoulders, she pulled herself up, not stopping until they were nose to nose. “I love you, George Hartland the third, my Geo, and with everything in me I promise to be the best wife I can be. Through thick and thin, good times and bad, I pledge myself to you and only you, from now until the day after eternity. Now fuck me like you mean it.”

Geo grinned as she leaned in and kissed him, parting her lips, and licking her way into his mouth. He began to lift and lower her on his cock as he staggered to shore and settled them on the blanket. Once there, he shifted her until her clit rubbed up and down his lower belly with each thrust. It only took a few strokes for her to cry out as she flew over the edge of her orgasm. His heart was full, and his cock was fuller, and her * tightening around his cock pulled the trigger on his own release. His hips flexed forward three more times before he followed her to a heaven that only they would share.

He collapsed over her then rolled so they were still connected, but he was not squashing her. Once he could breathe, and think again, he reached for the jeans he had taken off earlier. Pulling out a small box, he opened it and took out the smaller of the two silver bands inside. Taking her left hand in his, he slipped it on her left ring finger. “My shy baby girl for all time.”

Leaning down, he placed so gentle a kiss on her lips. Then he handed her the box. He watched, his heart racing and his gut clenching with excitement as she took the other ring and slipped it onto his finger. “My gorgeous stripper for now and forever.”

“I know we’ll have to jump through the hoops for the state and all, but to me, this was the best wedding ever,” he said with a grin.

Cooper McKenzie's books