
‘What a fucking abortion that was! The Barbers have to be on something to actually think they could come here.’

Michael was as shocked as the Costello brothers at the turn of events. It was unbelievable. He turned to Patrick, saying angrily, ‘Dicky’s still breathing by all accounts, but Rob’s on his last legs. Still, he is one strong fucker, I’ll give him that. I’ve said to go and pick up Jonny. Then, when the party’s over, we can finish this once and for all.’

Patrick nodded. He was absolutely outraged at the whole turn of events.

Declan was watching him carefully, and he could see the signs that denoted Patrick’s true nature. His brother rarely allowed himself the luxury of giving his natural inclinations free rein, but he would now no doubt. Patrick would make sure that the Barbers paid for their sins a hundredfold, and who could blame him? It was a monumental piss-take but, worse than that, it was utterly fucking disrespectful. If the Barbers had planned it properly, and given them a run for their money, at least they would have had some respect. But to show up like that, without a fucking thought, was no more than a diabolical liberty. It had kept Patrick from attending his own party. It had caused him untold aggravation. A wedding, an anniversary, a birthday, a christening, or a fucking funeral – these were sacrosanct. They were private family functions and they were, because of their very nature, taboo. Anywhere wives, children or close family were all together was off-limits. This kind of action was something that only a fucking lunatic would even consider, especially when it involved a family like the Costellos.

Michael changed tack, trying to play it down when he could see that Patrick was becoming unhinged. That wasn’t something that would benefit any of them.

‘I’ve kept it quiet so far, Pat. No one here knows anything has occurred, but it will probably get out at some point. The Barbers’ entourage are long gone – the fucking tossers were willing to serve up Jonny to get a pass. I’ve got people disposing of them as we speak. So, as fucking outraged as we are, everything is under control. It’s sorted.’

Declan laughed suddenly, he had always had a strange sense of humour. ‘Look on the bright side, Pat – saved us petrol money, eh? We’ve got them now. Jonny won’t give us any trouble. From what I can gather he had nothing to do with the night’s entertainment, but he’ll know it’s over for them.’

Patrick looked around him. He was still reeling from the shock of how close the Barbers had got to them. To his home. His family.

Michael had done well. He had organised the security with Declan, and he had not underestimated the need for men who were not only fearless, but who were also sensible enough to know that any trouble needed to be dealt with as quietly as possible. The use of a crossbow was genius.

‘Imagine turning up somewhere like this with a fucking sawn-off! It just tells you how fucking ignorant and cheap they really are. Imbeciles. Fucking morons.’

The door opened then, and Carmel Costello stood there like the avenging angel. ‘Patrick Costello, it’s our wedding anniversary, remember? And you have spent most of the night in here! Are you thinking of joining your wife and guests at any point?’ Carmel was fuming, that was evident.

Patrick immediately looked contrite. He knew she had a point, and she would be bringing this up till her dying day. His voice was soft as honey as he placated her. ‘Look, Carmel darling, there’s been a bit of aggro with your present, and I’ve been in here on the blower trying to sort it out. I’m so sorry, love.’

It was exactly what she wanted to hear, and she forced a smile on to her face. Patrick had apologised, and he was finally joining the party, so at least she might salvage something from the evening.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Jonny Barber was resigned to his fate. It was all over bar the shouting – the only thing he could do now was try and take whatever came his way with aplomb.

He was sitting in a damp, dark cellar somewhere, waiting for the Costellos to arrive and finish what his idiot brothers had started. Knowing Patrick Costello, he would want to finish this job off personally – and who could blame him? Jonny would have done the same thing himself.

Martina Cole's books