
She caught sight of Michael Flynn’s fiancée, Josephine Callahan. The girl was absolutely stunning, there was no doubting that. She was also a really nice person, and Carmel hated that she was so jealous of her, but she couldn’t help it. Josephine was not only gorgeous, she was young – as young and as innocent as the day was long. It was an irresistible combination to most men.

Michael Flynn, though, was all over her like the proverbial rash, and Josephine had eyes for no one but her Michael. They were a lovely young couple, and she had no reason for the jealousy she was feeling towards them. Nevertheless, Josephine Callahan was another one to be watched like a hawk, and watch her she would. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer – what a true statement that was. Patrick had asked her privately to take the younger girl under her wing, to look after her and ease her into the fold so to speak; after all, Carmel knew the score from personal experience. Even though her husband had shown no interest in the girl other than the fact she was Michael’s intended, Carmel still felt the ugly pain of jealousy, coupled with a feeling of fear. That fear was always going to be there. She might act like she had everything under control, that she was in charge of everything around her – from her family, to her home and the people she brought into her personal orbit – but it was all a sham. Deep inside, she had never really known a truly happy day since she had married Patrick Costello. Once she had landed him, she had spent every minute since trying to keep him. And it was not easy.

Carmel had too much pride to let anyone, especially Patrick Costello, kick her to the kerb. She had invested too much of her time and effort to end up a has-been. From the moment he put a ring on her finger, she had made it her mission in life to keep him by her side.

Chapter Twenty-One

Michael was in a good mood. His Josephine looked the dog’s gonads at the party tonight, and he was excited about his forthcoming nuptials. He really was a man in love.

He’d been feeling very wholesome since his confession. He didn’t like being with Josephine knowing he had committed murder. It felt a bit off, even though he had chosen to do it and had known it was expected of him. There was a part of him that was secretly unnerved that his initial qualms about taking someone’s life now seemed completely out of proportion. He wasn’t exactly pleased by what he had done, but there was no getting away from the fact that it had been much easier than he had thought it would be to actually do it. He could argue that he’d been put into an impossible position. When Patrick made the request, he’d had no choice but to agree.

Father Riordan had taken his sins and wiped them away. It had been so easy, and he felt much better in himself now he had atoned for it. He felt lighter, as if the weight of the world had been taken off his shoulders. He would never again underestimate the power of his religion.

As he went into Patrick’s office he was smiling; he felt fantastic. ‘Hello, boys, you will not believe what I have got to tell you.’

Patrick grinned before saying sarcastically, ‘Well, let me guess. Is it to do with you, a dealer in Notting Hill, and the possibility of a cannabis-based business?’

Michael just laughed loudly. ‘Fucking hell, Pat! There was me thinking that I had manoeuvred us a right good earn, but I should have known better! You cannot be surprised, you’re always a fucking step ahead. You’re like Secret Squirrel. Un-fucking-believable!’

Declan was interested in how his brother would react to Michael’s news. He almost wished he’d kept his trap shut earlier. He trusted the boy implicitly – he should have known nothing was certain with his brother. But Michael was his blue-eyed boy, for fuck’s sake! Declan wasn’t bothered by the favouritism. He was more than happy with his earns. Patrick’s interest had never been in the bread and butter side of the business, he had always craved the more exotic earns. Declan was quite happy that Patrick left him to get on with it. His brother was a difficult man to work alongside, with a terrible need to control everyone, everything, and every deal that he saw as being within his personal remit. He was basically a massive pain in the arse. Declan loved him dearly, but he was aware that he had never been quick enough mentally for Patrick. He had always known his brother was the brains of the family, but he didn’t feel inferior to his brother in any way. He was proud of him, and he was more than happy with his place in the Costello businesses.

Declan saw in Michael Flynn the same quick brain, and the same resolve that was so much a part of Patrick’s make up. It was why his brother had taken to the lad, and why he himself understood the boy’s importance to the firm.

Declan watched his brother as he flexed his muscles and made his point.

‘You know me, Michael. I always like to know the score. I make sure that I am never in a position of weakness. It’s nothing personal, Michael, I just feel that it’s in my interest to know everything about everyone.’

Michael was not fazed. He would have done the same himself. ‘I’m impressed, Pat. But I think you’ll see the logic of it.’

Martina Cole's books