
Patrick Costello’s wife Carmel was a woman on a constant mission in life.

She was confident she had her husband’s affection – his love even – but it was something she had to work for all the same. And she did just that. He treated her like a goddess, and always made sure she was given her due as the mother of his children. No matter what might happen in the future, even if he ever did get a capture by the Filth for some reason, he had provided for his family. Not that anything like that was really on the cards. Her Patrick was far too big nowadays. But, if it did come to pass, she knew she would still be able to live the lifestyle she had become accustomed to. She had access to his offshore accounts – he had given that information to her to ensure that she felt safe – and she never worried about the future.

Patrick was older than her; he had married later in life and taken those vows seriously. Even so, Carmel was a realist. Patrick saw himself as a good husband, as well as a good Catholic, but he was also a man. And not just any man, but a Face in a world of permanent strange, where good-looking and very willing young women were plentiful. There were far too many girls in the Life just like she had been, with the same goal in mind, and the same determination to get what and who they wanted, whatever the cost. She knew men with second, third and even fourth wives. That would never happen to her – she would keep her status come hell or high water.

These young girls – who seemed to multiply every year – had the edge, because they were younger than her, fresher, without the scars of childbirth and without the curse of familiarity. She made herself known to each and every one of them so they would be in no doubt of what they would be up against should they decide to try and challenge her position. However much Patrick adored her, she would not let her guard down for one second. She was determined to be the only Mrs Costello, and she was not going to give that status up without a fight. His only way out of this marriage was death – and not hers either. She made sure that she was surrounded by her own clique of girls and women that she felt were not a threat to her or her lifestyle. She knew every female in her husband’s orbit, and she made sure that she was a permanent fixture in every part of his social life. Patrick might think she was being paranoid – he was a great guy, a good father, and a loyal husband. But he didn’t comprehend the lengths that certain women were prepared to go to in order to get what they wanted.

Carmel was not going to give any fucker the chance to try and muscle in on what was rightfully hers. She had always worked – and she continued to do so every day – to keep her home and, more importantly, her place in the Life. It was a good life in so many ways, but it was also very difficult because she could never let herself relax, could never take her eye off the ball. She was constantly on alert, and it was exhausting. But she had to protect herself and her children from being ousted by a younger model.

Now they were having an anniversary party and, even though Patrick had made sure it was a great night and was treating her like royalty, she still couldn’t bring herself to truly relax and enjoy it. She had made him organise it. She might tell everyone that it was all his idea, but it was all hers really. Occasions like tonight made a point to everyone. The Costellos were together, they were happy and nothing could come between them. It was a moment of triumph.

If only she could enjoy it and her husband’s company. But she couldn’t relax any more.

Martina Cole's books