Marriage Matters


Kristine stared at her mother. “I’m sorry. What?”

The last thing Kristine felt like doing was writing her wedding vows.

“Yes!” June clapped her hands, the glare of her diamond practically doing the cha-cha in the light from the kitchen. “That’s why I asked you the other day if you’d already written them. If you had, then I would have found something else but I have to write mine, so does Chloe and, of course, so do you.”

Bustling toward the long dining room table, June took a seat and Chloe followed. Silently, Kristine joined them.

On the table were three stacks of paper, each paired with a gorgeous fountain pen.

“Those are from me.” June smiled. “Look at the inscription.”

Kristine squinted at the silver pen. It reminded her of the one she’d gotten Kevin for their anniversary. This one read, With ye I wed . . . and the upcoming date of the wedding.

Chloe looked about ready to cry. “Grandma, that’s . . . that’s really special.”

“This is all very special,” June said. “How many women are lucky enough to get married with their entire family?”

Kristine watched her daughter out of the corner of her eye. Chloe looked pale, withdrawn and exhausted. It was as though the prospect of the wedding was too much to handle. Catching her eye, she gave her a look as though to say, “Are you alright?”

Chloe looked down at the table. Then, putting on a brave smile, she gave a sharp nod.

Sliding on her reading glasses, June reached for her notebook. The glasses were red and white striped. Finally, a pair Kristine did not own.

“Wedding vows.” June beamed. “Wedding vows started back in the Roman Empire.”

“They were created as a way to keep a marriage together via the honor system, instead of through signed documentation. The Book of Common Prayer is the first known location where standard wedding vows appeared, as far back as the 1500s. A variation of these vows are used in traditional ceremonies today. However, many brides and grooms choose to write their own personalized version of vows to share with their spouse to create a stronger level of intimacy at the ceremony.”

Closing the book, June gave a serene smile. “Isn’t that lovely? So. With that in mind . . .” She slid off her reading glasses. “I think we should all get started.”

The dining room was filled with the sound of pens scratching across the page, filling the empty space with strong and solid words of love. Kristine stared down at the paper, her mind blank. So many years ago, she and Kevin had written their own vows and read them to each other at the front of the church. They had been so simple but they’d still gotten choked up. As if they couldn’t believe their luck in finding true love. Slowly, she brought the nub of her pen to the paper and waited for a wave of inspiration.

Nothing came.

June and Chloe continued to scratch away. Every few words, June would go so far as to let out a satisfied little grunt. Kristine’s page remained blank. Finally, as June gave a happy little sigh and pushed her paper away, Kristine slowly got to her feet.

“Would you mind getting me some water?” Chloe’s pen was between her lips. “Since you’re up?”

Kristine didn’t answer, just held on to the edge of her chair. June looked up. As soon as their eyes met, her mother seemed to know.

“Kristine,” she said, leaping to her feet. “Please don’t do this. You’re making a big mistake.”

“Do what? What is she . . . ?” Chloe asked. Her voice trailed off, probably at the look on Kristine’s face. “Mom.” She laid the pen on the table. “What’s wrong?”

Kristine thought of the weeks, months and years in front of her, if she chose to stay with Kevin. The loneliness, the desire for something more. She imagined standing up in the front of the church, next to her mother and daughter, as they made promises they meant to keep.

“I can’t do it.” Kristine bowed her head. “I can’t go through with this. Mom, I’m really sorry. Chloe, I’m really sorry. But I just can’t do it.”

Kristine dared to look at her daughter. She was staring at her with eyes so much like Kevin’s. As the realization of what she was saying dawned, Chloe’s face flushed a bright red. “Why?”

“Did Kevin talk to you?” June demanded. “Did he tell you what he told me?”

Kristine stared at June. “What do you mean, what he told you?”

“About the money, the . . .” June’s voice trailed off. Turning slightly pale, she said, “I guess not.”

After years of complaining about June’s constant interference, Kevin had sat down and confided in her about something that Kristine obviously knew nothing about? This made Kristine so angry she could hardly see straight. “Mother, what is it?”

June looked out the window toward Charley’s house. The lights were on, twinkling merrily. Turning back to Kristine, she looked physically pained. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I can’t tell you. I . . . I gave Kevin my word.”

“Tell me.” Kristine’s voice was low, dangerous. “Now.”

June squared her shoulders. “Kristine, I am sorry. I am. But I made him a promise. And I made a promise to Charley that I would let you all start figuring your lives out for yourself. So, you’re going to have to just figure it out.”

“Are you kidding me?” Kristine was beyond furious. After a lifetime of meddling, June was going to start keeping her nose out of other people’s business now? Kristine shook her head, a bubble of hysteria rising up in her throat.

Unable to speak, she grabbed her purse and darted toward the front door. Quickly working the locks, she threw open the door and ran out into the dark, icy night, forgetting all about pulling on a coat. Huge mistake. The snow and sleet was pelting down. The wind bit against her skin and she was freezing. But she was not about to go back.

“Mom!” Chloe followed her to the front stoop. Her silhouette was dark against the bright light of the hallway. “Come back here!” she shouted. “Let’s talk about this.”

June was right behind her, wrapping a shawl around herself. “Kristine! Now, just hold on.”

Kristine had to grab the railing to keep from falling down the steps. She found her footing and ran as fast as she could, not caring about the way the sidewalk slipped under her feet. She ran until her heart pounded and sent blood to warm her skin. She ran until the only sound she could hear was the panicked huffs of her breath.

Stepping into the street, she turned right, then left. A cab screeched to a halt, just missing her. The cab driver laid on the horn. “Figure out where you’re going, lady,” the driver shouted.

Kristine nodded. That was exactly what she was trying to do.

Cynthia Ellingsen's books