Indelible Love - Emily's Story

Confused about where this was heading, I just stood there with pearl-sized tears hovering. Would the next sorry resemble, “I’m sorry but this isn’t working out,” or was he trying to make amends?

“Emi?” He kissed the tears from my eyes. “Why are you so quiet? Talk to me.” For the first time since we started dating, I heard fear in his voice.

“Where does this leave us now?” Worn out—if he wanted to end our relationship, I wanted it done immediately.

“What do you mean?” Jake looked puzzled.

“You told me twice ‘let’s just forget everything.’ Does everything include us? If so, I’d like for you to be honest with me. Since I turned down your proposal, I get it if you want to break up with me.”

“Unbelievable!” Jake shook his head with a look that could be summed up as stupefied.

I felt bare as he dislodged his arms from my body, but to my relief, my cheeks felt the immediate warmth of both hands. Without another word, his lips devoured mine and I was only too happy to allow it—more accurately, I was desperate for it.

When we both needed a breath, his lips let go, but his face stayed inches from mine.

“Does that answer your question?”

I shook my head no.

An even longer and more intense kiss followed.

“I can do this all day until you get it.” His head came down again.

“Wait!” The last thing I wanted to do was cut short any embrace, but I needed verbal reinforcements rather than a sensual one. “Let’s talk.” We sat next to one another but not so close that he could attack my senses and discombobulate my brain.

“What did you mean when you said you wanted to forget everything?”

“Emi…I just wanted to undo the mess I had gotten myself into. I’d said so many careless words to you. I didn’t mean to bring up your heartache with Max. I know you don’t love him anymore. In some ways, I was mad, hurt, jealous—there were so many emotions going through my head, and I said everything that came to mind. There was neither discretion nor discernment, and I’m sorry.”

“Why would you be jealous? Of what? Of whom?”

“Of Max, I suppose. There was a time you wanted him to propose to you. I thought maybe you’d want the same from me…”

“Jake. I know I haven’t made myself very clear on this subject, but I am absolutely in love with you.” The gray skies left his face and he beamed the most heartwarming smile.

“Say that again.” He inched closer.

“Which part?” I feigned ignorance. “That I haven’t been too clear with you or that…”

It didn’t take much for Jake to push me onto the sofa and have his way with me.

“You love me?”

“I am irrevocably in love with you, but I’m not ready to marry you. Are you OK with that?”

“Do I have a choice? This just means I have to work harder to get a yes out of you on both accounts.”


“Sex and marriage—in that order, starting now, if possible.”

“Go home. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

I cleaned myself up the best I could before heading toward Jake’s parents’ home. After such a crazy morning, I needed this time to gather my wits for tonight. With all the presents for the family in the car, I drove over to their home earlier than expected. Jake’s parents lived in a stunning old colonial home that sat on a large parcel of flat land. Their front lawn was so huge their home actually looked normal size from the street. As I got closer, I could see that their home was closer to being a mansion than a normal home like mine. I rang the doorbell, and Sandy greeted me with a huge smile.

“Hi, Emily! I’m glad you came early.”

“I thought I’d come and help you get dinner ready.”

“I’m so glad to have you here with me. No one else is home so we can get to know each other without any interruptions—from my son especially. He won’t give any of us a chance to spend time with you.”

We both started to laugh. “I’m sorry we were so exclusive in Hawaii. I wanted to get to know everybody, but since Jake hardly gets any time off from the hospital, I couldn’t help but enjoy my four days with him. I hope this hasn’t spoiled me for when he goes back to work. It’s tough dating a doctor.”

“I know, dear. We rarely see him even though he works in town. He’s mentioned moving back into this house to be closer to you and work. Has he told you this?”

“No, we haven’t had a chance to talk about it. I’m sure he’ll let me know when he’s ready. What can I help you with? I’m somewhat skilled in the kitchen, as I’ve been on my own for a while.”

“Well, there’s not much to do. Bobby went out to pick up the flowers and the caterers and servers will take care of the food. The table is set already. Why don’t you just sit and have a cup of tea with me?”

“Oh, I forgot. I have a little something for you and the family. It’s not much, but I wanted to thank you for such a special trip and say Merry Christmas.”

“You are so sweet,” she said as she hugged me like only a mother could.

DW Cee's books