Indelible Love - Emily's Story

Nick jumped into this argument as well. “I thought we were going to go find local food?” he said, turning to me.

“OK. I have a solution. How about if Jane and I do a half day at the spa while you boys go watch the morning matches? We’ll meet you for lunch around 1:00 and then we can go into town and find yummy food.” I turned to Jake and sweetly requested, “My body hurts badly from all the exercise. I need a massage to unwind me. Would you be OK with that?” I added a few kisses in between the request so he would cave without a fight.

“Sounds good to me,” Nick and Jane both said at the same time. Jake was the only one pouting because he didn’t get his way. We parted for the morning, and Jane and I spent a glorious morning pampering ourselves. This was the Hawaii I had imagined before arriving.

We started with a deep tissue massage, continued with a facial, and then got a manicure and a pedicure.

For lunch, we asked the hotel concierge to point out all the local hot spots. We had small meals at several local joints. My favorite was a little shack that specialized in katsu. We ordered chicken, pork, beef, and fish-fried cutlets. I couldn’t possibly leave Hawaii without having eaten something lathered in mayo, so I chose the macaroni salad with the deep fried goodies. Honestly, I felt sick from all the grease.

After the third meal, Jake and Jane begged us not to eat any more. Nick and I acquiesced, but only after visiting Maui’s most famous ice cream shop where we treated ourselves to strawberry and pineapple ice cream. Today was an ideal day in Hawaii.

Nick and Jane went surfing to work off our lunches, but Jake and I went back into our cabana. After a massage and thousands of calories, I needed a nap. Jake behaved himself after my speech last night, and brought a book to read while I napped on the lounge chair. His hands ran up and down my arm wanting to explore elsewhere, but for the rest of the day, he was harmless.

Thursday was our last day in Hawaii. Nick and I had so much fun yesterday; we tried to convince everyone to go into town in search of yummy food again. Bobby, Sandy, and Jane decided to go off on their own, and then meet us at the airport. Jake had no choice but to go eat some more if he wanted to be with me. Nick and I were only too happy to go find more treasures. We made one more pit stop at the ice cream shop before heading to the airport.

On our red-eye flight back home I pondered over how much this trip meant to me. Fully laid back, Jake held my hand while he snored away. The correct thing to do would be to join him and the rest of the family but I just couldn’t sleep.

“Emily.” Surprised, I quickly turned my head to Jane’s calling.

“I’m sorry. Am I keeping you awake with my reading light?”

“No. I thought I heard a sigh. Is something the matter?”

“Oh, Jane.” I answered with a mixture of dreaminess and dread. “How can anything be wrong? The last four days were heaven.”

“Then why do you sound like somebody who’s headed for ruins?”

I giggled at her comment. Jane giggled back.

With a heavy heart, my voice whispered, “I’m afraid to like your brother as much as I do.” Gently, I placed my free hand on his face and moved the overgrown bangs out of his eyes. His body moved closer toward my seat as he pulled my hand into both his hands, and placed it on his heart.

“He loves you—a lot!” Jane looked happy for us.

“I love him too—a lot!” I sighed again.

“Then why the sigh? I don’t get it.”

“He’s too perfect. You’re too perfect. In fact, your whole family is like a dream. And you know…my life has been anything but a dream. In fact, it’s been closer to a nightmare. I feel like I’m going to wake up from this dream and go back to my reality—a reality where you and Jake and your family are no longer there.”

“Emily.” Even a frown couldn’t mar her pretty face. “A little melodramatic. I don’t see Jake going anywhere, anytime soon. In fact, I’d bet my law degree that you two will be married within a year. No one in my family has seen Jake this in love. You and I are going to be sisters like we promised. I will not accept anything less, you hear me?”

“Emi?” Sleepy-eyed, Jake woke up with a worried gaze. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

“Nothing.” I put on a smile. “Jane and I were just having a heart to heart.”

“Jane. Stop gabbing and let Emi sleep.” Always protective of my well-being, I kissed his head to show him my appreciation.

Like a proper sister, Jane rolled her eyes and ignored him.

“You sure you’re OK?” he whispered while kissing the hand he was holding.

Nodding yes, I turned the light off and reclined. Part of me wanted to cry from being deliriously happy with this man, and another part of me wanted to cry because I couldn’t shake off these unsettled nerves that foreshadowed doom and gloom. Inwardly sighing so no one would hear, I pushed away the dread and welcomed sleep.

DW Cee's books