Hand of Fate (Triple Threat, #2)

"Are you all right?" Stone put on a look of concern.

Allison took a deep breath. "The doctors have been running some tests." She thought of how they checked her blood sugar at each prenatal visit. "I haven't disclosed this to anyone, so I'm relying on your discretion."

Both men nodded, losing focus, Allison hoped, on exactly what they had been talking about when the break in the interview occurred.

"I hope everything turns out okay." Glover seemed genuinely worried.

"I hope we can reschedule," Allison said, "and continue this at a later date."

"Of course, of course," Stone said, while Glover nodded.

Once the two women were alone in Allison's office, Nicole raised one eyebrow. "Running some tests?"

"It wasn't a lie." Allison felt a little defensive.

"Uh-huh." Nicole nodded, tweaking her a little. "And it should keep them from thinking about what we just learned. Glover's mother was on a pain patch--and I think that's usually some kind of opiate." Dialing a number from memory, she pressed the button for the speakerphone.

"Tony, it's Nic. And Allison Pierce is here with me. Hey, have you figured out what killed Fate yet?"

His voice floated up to them. "Are you worried that I'm holding out on you? I'll let you know as soon as I do. The lab is still working on coming up with a match. It would help if we had any clues as to what drug might be involved."

"I've just learned something. Congressman Glover's mother was living with him and his wife until recently. And then she died."

Tony's tone was puzzled. "Are you saying you think he killed his mother?"

"What I'm saying is that she had cancer. And she was on pain patches."

"Pain patches? That has to have been fentanyl." There was a long pause as Tony considered it. "Someone could scrape the fentanyl off the patches, dissolve it in rubbing alcohol, and then aerosolize it. It's possible."

Allison and Nicole exchanged a look.

"We'll check it out and see if it's a match, but that's going to take several days. But right now, I have to tell you I kind of like the idea."

Just showing that the drug was fentanyl wouldn't be enough to prove that Glover had done it. They needed more evidence. They had to work fast and hope that Glover wasn't one step ahead of them. Allison hurriedly drafted an affidavit for Nicole to swear off on. When it was done, they would take it to a judge to get search warrants for Glover's car, offices, and homes, both in Portland and in DC.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked Nicole as she put the finishing touches on the affidavit.

Nicole had been absolutely silent, tapping away on her laptop.

"I had a hunch, so I googled Glover and smoke grenades. Look at this." She handed over her computer to Allison. "It's a press release put out by Glover's office two years ago."

Congress Passes Funding for Oregon Defense Project.

Congressman Quentin Glover has secured $2 million to replenish training and operational stocks of the M18 Grenade produced at Oregon's Umatilla Arsenal. The M18 Grenade is a small handheld grenade, approximately the size of a soup can, that emits a dense colored smoke and is used by all military services for signaling, marking, or screening operations. The M18 Smoke Grenade has been in high demand as a result of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Congressman Glover was honored for his support at an event in Umatilla.

Allison looked up at Nicole. Quentin Glover had just become their prime suspect.

Chapter 33 Channel 4 TV

The cameraman counted down with his fingers, and then Cassidy was on. Brad was sitting next to her, but this was her segment, and the camera focused only on her.

Even covering the gas leak downtown had been easier than this. But Allison had called to offer encouragement--and give a tantalizing hint about Glover--and even Nicole had sent a quick e-mail wishing her luck.

Cassidy took a deep breath. "These days, everywhere you look there are heart decorations and candy-filled displays. Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching. On the big day, many of us expect affection, romance, roses, chocolates, dinner out--or at least a card. But for others, the day only brings anxiety, fear, and violence. One in three women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime." She paused to give her words added weight. "I know, because I was one of these women."