Diamond Girl

Chapter 45

So that’s it, my review of the greatest hits of Carolyn Kelleher.

What’s that old song say, ‘the road is long'?

A week ago I would have said, hell yeah, it’s been too long. I feel different now. I guess everybody does when it’s too late to fix things. I made it to the New Year, though. That’s something.

I can hear fireworks exploding out there somewhere and happy people yelling. I wonder what they’re happy about, a new year, making it through another year. Maybe they know all the secrets to living happily ever after and so every day is the first day of the rest of your life, or some such crap, but most likely they are just drunk.

It’s just me and the rodents here now, having our own little party. This is my last night, my last New Year’s, the last of me, and I still don’t know anything.

Maybe that’s the way it goes for everyone.

I do know a couple things. I know that a famous name can open every door but what the hell do you do when you go through it? I know people are stupid and value all the wrong things. Usually they value money most of all and money spends so fast. Maybe love does too.

I just wish I’d had the chance to find out.

Kathleen Hewtson's books