Decker's Wood

I pulled my head back slightly to look at him. “Used to? As in last week?”



Decker grinned and kissed me again. “Used to, as in when there was nothing more to you then skin and bone, your braces were color coded to match those ridiculous Powerpuff shirts, and you barely said more than two words to me without blushing.” I stared at him breathless from his kisses, but also from his declaration. “You intrigued me, you were pretty and innocent, and you wanted nothing to do with me. Every time you looked at me, you…grimaced,” he said as his nose scrunched up. I shook my head to object. “You had every right to look at me like that, the way I treated girls, it was disgraceful. And in my heart, I knew you deserved better. You still do.”


He had wanted me? And all that time I had wanted him, but I had been so appalled by his womanizing ways, I couldn’t stand to be near him. When Decker had said I grimaced every time he looked my way, he had been putting it mildly. I had been a teenager with enough angst and hormonal fury to fill an ocean, and my ever resilient crush on him only fueled that anger. Decker would have died at least a thousand deaths if my looks could have killed him.


Needing to feel Decker’s skin on mine, I pushed him hard. He was so big and powerful, I couldn’t have moved him more than I could fly to the moon, but he rolled away compliantly and I straddled his waist. My hands found the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Decker’s eyes fell to the turquoise blue demi bra that contained my barely B cup breasts.


“Damn,” he whispered. The muscles in his stomach clenched as he raised himself until his lips were able to take my nipple into his mouth, lacy bra and all. Large hands clamped around the globes of my ass, pulling my body against his. Before I knew it, my bra came loose, Decker’s deft fingers easily finding the clasp. Decker only drew away long enough to pull the flimsy underwear from my body, flinging it without care to the floor. Then he rolled me, trapping me under his body while he suckled greedily on my breasts. My * was throbbing with need, the heat of Decker’s body teasing, demanding more. I awkwardly pushed at my pajama bottoms until Decker realized what I was trying to do and helped me divest of the offending material. My own neatly trimmed womanscape drew his attention. “Fuck me,” he murmured before leaning forward, spreading my lips and licking me thoroughly. My hands flew to his head, gripping his hair in such a way that I knew it would hurt. Decker didn’t care though, he ate my * like a starved man.


“Oh damn,” I groaned as I felt my orgasm building. We hadn’t been at it even ten minutes, and I was already going to explode. The sensations that wracked my body were too glorious to care though. My legs wrapped around Decker’s head as his lips tugged on my clit while two fingers slipped inside me, curling up in a come-hither motion, sinking in and out in a rhythm equal to the pulling sensation on the little bundle of nerves that Decker had become fixated on. “Oh god,” I moaned loudly.


“There we go,” Decker murmured between pulls and licks. Then he was gone.


“Son of a…” Through panting breaths, I began to object, until Decker rolled to his back, reaching for me. Oh yeah, this cowgirl loved to ride. Instead of positioning me over his cock though, Decker drew me higher, until my thighs were situated either side of his face.


“Much better,” he said as he resumed his assault on my body. My hands automatically reached for the wrought iron head board, while Decker’s hands slipped up my thighs, around my hips, over my stomach, until finally resting on my breasts where he pinched and teased my nipples. It didn’t take long before I was screaming Decker’s name. Suddenly, Decker slipped out from between my legs.


“Pathetic,” he whispered, and I immediately tensed. Decker kissed my neck. “I’m sure I can make you scream louder than that. If Casey and Lionel aren’t over here first thing tomorrow with shit eating grins on their faces, I’ll be really pissed off.”


I chuckled. “Their bedroom’s on the opposite side of the apartment, there isn’t a chance they will hear us.”