Decker's Wood

“Challenge accepted.” With one hand cupping my breast, the other slipped down into the wet folds between my thighs. With Decker’s lips on my neck, his hands on and in my body, I was already beginning to shift with another pending orgasm. “Condom?”



“Oh cripes, there should be some in the bottom drawer in the bathroom.” They were old, but condoms didn’t have an expiration date, right? He disappeared again, and I groaned loudly with frustration. Talk about tease. My body was about to burst with unfulfilled need. The sight of Decker running across my apartment stark naked was enough to illicit an amused smile, the sight of his triumphant face as he strolled towards me and ripped the foil packed with his teeth reduced me to mindless, lustful mush again. Decker stood before me and rolled the condom on and I watched, completely and utterly fascinated. Adorning a rubber had always been something my previous lovers had done quickly, in the shadows. I had no idea how erotic it could be to watch a man stroke and tend to his member. Then he was crawling over me again. He nipped gently at my shoulder before moving his kisses and attention to my neck. Everything he did to my body was done with precision and expertise. It made my desire drown under the fearful thought that this might not be real. This is what Decker did for a job, seducing, fucking. Was this nothing more than a performance for him? While I was investing my entire body, my emotions, and quite possibly a large slither of my heart, Decker was most likely moving on auto pilot.


“Country, I can tell when a woman isn’t enjoying the moment. To say it’s a little unsettling that you appear to have left the building is an understatement,” he whispered in my ear.


“Is this real?” I found myself asking.


Decker pulled away slightly, his body still pressed into mine but his face hovering just above mine. His eyes were questioning but reality quickly set in. His look softened as his finger ran over my bottom lip.


“This is real,” he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “What we’re feeling is real.” He pressed a kiss to the other corner. “It doesn’t get any more real than this.” He kissed me again, without desperation, without the ferocity he had moment ago, but with just as much intensity. It was as if he was trying to show me how real it was, and just like that, I was once again wrapped up in the moment. I felt Decker position himself at my entrance, and with a few gentle thrusts, he was inside me. Decker Steele was inside me. I was having sex with Decker Steele. I kinda wanted to giggle, instead I hid a smile into the crook of his neck.


His first withdrawal and return back into my body dragged a long, throaty moan from me. My body was tingling with awareness, my head swimming with the vast and explosive emotions that accompanied the intimate moment. After a few more gentle thrusts, he withdrew completely.


“Oh good lord, that is getting old real fast,” I practically snarled.


Decker laughed and encouraged me to roll over. Then my hips were drawn back towards him, and he was inside me again.


“Just needed to see you from this view,” he murmured. “Lean forward.” His hand gently pushed at the middle of my back until I was resting forward on my elbows, my butt high in the air as Decker ever so slowly tortured my body into a whimpering mess. Pulling a pillow under my hips, Decker pushed my body down into the bed so only my hips were raised. This seemed to restrict how deep he could thrust into me, but when he moved his thighs to the outside of mine, it created a friction that had me panting like an out-of-its-mind dog. That heavy breathing grew to whispers which quickly became loud moans. Decker blanketed my body, the slick skin from his sweaty chest pressed to my back as I began to scream his name and the occasional intermittent praise to the Lord Almighty. My orgasm hit me harder than the first, plummeting through my body, striking every nerve it passed until my mind shuttered to a halt, no longer caring who heard my screams. It was in that moment that I felt like shouting an earth shattering, soul stripping love for Decker. I could have easily let those three little words slip from my lips, all over one, okay, two, wonderful orgasms. I somehow managed to retain enough sense to hold the words in. When my body returned from the heights of ecstasy and my mind began to function again, I realized Decker had also reached his own climax. Panting hard he withdrew from my body and collapsed beside me.


“Damn,” he whispered breathlessly. “That was a first.”


I turned my head to look at him, and he pulled the pillow out from under my hips and threw it carelessly over his shoulder.


“As I am more than aware you are not a virgin, what do you mean?” I wondered nervously. Did he mean it was bad? Was I bad? God, he had had sex with so many women, how the hell could I possibly compare?


“I couldn’t have lasted longer than twenty minutes. You felt too damn good.”


My mouth tweaked with the need to smile. “Really, like, how good?” I pressed.