Decker's Wood

“Okay, but I won’t freak out if you don’t call. I mean, it would be cool if you did call but I’m not going to go all girl cray if you don’t call. I’m not the clingy, needy type. Not that I have a reason to be clingy or needy over you. I mean—”


I stepped forward and kissed her, hard and passionate, loving the taste of coffee on her tongue. When I pulled away, I was ridiculously proud of the red flush in her cheeks.


“Andi, stop rambling or I will take you back upstairs and fuck you until you start making sense again.” Lionel muffled a laugh with a cough, while Andi’s blush deepened. “I’ll call you tonight.” I left. If I didn’t get out of there, I would end up dragging her back upstairs and burying myself in her glorious body again. As appealing as that was, I really did have things to do today.




“So, Fabian says you’ve been hiding a pretty little red head from us.” I knew Ryder was just jerking my chain, but the fact Fabian had been talking about Andi instantly pissed me off. Ryder’s smile faltered when he looked over at me. “Okay, the scowl is nothing new, but over a girl? That is pretty fucking new!” Ryder was grinning again. He was a good guy, one of the best, and probably the only one other than Bradley whose taunting I would put up with. Scratch that, I could put up with Andi’s teasing too. As long as she let me do what I did last night again, she could tease me ‘til the cows came home. Thoughts of Andi and our night together flittered through my brain and my hardening cock reminded me I was back in action. Yep, I had found my own natural form of Viagra—a stunning little firecracker from Texas. Ryder leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the desk in front of us which mildly bothered me. My night with Andi had me in a damn good mood though, so I ignored it. We were viewing the final edit from my last directorial job, Fuck Club, six scenes all depicted around the theme of fighting and boxing. My favorite scene was the final one that we were viewing now. Leah’s wrists had been bound to the side of a fighting cage and three fighters were taking turns at fucking her. Leah had been in her element for this scene. She loves light domination and restraints, and I knew she was crushing hard on Donovan Scott who was currently on his knees between her thighs, eating her * while Sean and Alex sucked on her tits. It was hot and all the actors really looked like they were enjoying themselves. Hell, they actually were which was rare in porn. Filming scenes was hard work and it took a healthy dose of fine acting, because as those in the industry put it, pornography was much like pro-wrestling, the shit ain’t real. Luckily for me, I had enjoyed most of the scenes I had starred in. There had been a few that had been a little harder to get into, but I had managed to at least feign enough enthusiasm for the scene to look hot and useable.


“You’re not going to tell me who she is?” Ryder asked, sounding offended.


“Andi Jennings, Bradley’s cousin.”


Ryder started laughing. “Oh shit, Decker, Bradley is going to kick your ass when he finds out you’re fucking his cousin. Isn’t she practically family?” Since Ryder has been around for such a long time, he was one of the few who knew Bradley and me well enough to have some idea how Andi fit into the equation.


“What makes you think I’m fucking her?” I was trying hard to concentrate on the screen before me, but my thoughts kept swaying back to Andi, and Ryder talking about her wasn’t helping at all.


“Because up until two minutes ago, you’ve been smiling like a man who just had his cock immortalized in the AVN Hall of Fame.” The AVN Awards were the porn industries version of the Oscars, and to be immortalized in their hall of fame was a big fucking deal, except I didn’t seem to care about it so much anymore. In fact, I could care less if I never set my eyes on another adult film ever. Huh, go figure. Andi had fucked the porn right out of my veins. “Damn, Decker, she got to you didn’t she?” I didn’t answer him. I wasn’t big on having heart to hearts with guys. I wasn’t big on discussing my feelings period. “So, there’s a spot open on The Bishop’s film.” It wasn’t a question, Ryder simply assumed I was off the film. I cast him a quick sideways glance before returning my attention to Leah’s glorious moans. Ryder was quiet, but unfortunately not for long. “What the fuck are you doing, Decker? This is your number one rule, right? You don’t do relationships because of the job. Now you’re dating, that means you are no longer doing the job, right? Or is she cool with this?” Ryder waved his hand toward the film in front of us. I reached forward and grabbed the remote, pausing the film, giving him my undivided attention.


“It was just one night; we aren’t in what one may call a relationship.”