Decker's Wood

The drive back to her place was quiet. Not uncomfortable, just subdued. It had been a fun afternoon and I didn’t want it to end. Being with Andi made me feel lighter, carefree, and I wasn’t ready to lose that feeling of easy acceptance. When we reached The Book Shelter, I didn’t turn the engine off. Standing on the side of the road, her wet hair tumbling over her shoulders, she turned to speak but was abruptly interrupted by the booming sound of Casey’s voice from somewhere behind her. She turned around and glanced over her shoulder. He and Lionel were standing on the sidewalk, Vanessa the Undresser, and Imogen by their side.


“Scattergories?” Casey asked, holding up the box that held the board game, peering around Andi, trying to catch my eye. I leaned toward the window.


“Seriously, Scattergories?” I whispered to Andi who simply grinned and shook her head.


“We had a water mishap, and I don’t have a change of clothes.” I called out, and Casey promptly unloaded whatever he was carrying into Lionel’s arms.


“Not a problem, I have something that will fit.”


Before I had a chance to argue, he was back inside the dog grooming salon. Lionel, Vanessa, and Imogen just stood and watched us, Vanessa’s gaze hopeful. If I stayed, I was going to have to set that girl straight—we were never going to happen, especially while Andi was around.


“Come on, get outta there. Can’t have you catching a cold and calling in sick on Friday.” Andi chuckled, and I climbed from my car and followed her into the store.




I almost refused to come out of the bathroom. I would rather have strutted out there butt naked, but I was fairly sure that would have caused more chaos than the clothes Casey had lent me. The track pants were too tight, but thankfully Andi had slipped me another shirt. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was wearing spandex. So, in my too tight pants and a shirt that declared I was Team Jacob, I emerged from the bathroom. I had to give it to the small group, they were solid and loyal when it came to embarrassing moments. Casey seemed satisfied that I was wearing something of his, and Lionel barely gave me a sideways glance. Imogen blushed and quickly averted her gaze after spying my groin beneath the thin cotton pants—yeah, no underwear; sorry, babe. Vanessa looked at me like she wanted to eat me, and the loud bark of laughter from behind me made my lips creep into a smile. I turned and crossed my arms as Andi hacked it up like Jay Leno had just walked into the freakin’ room. Her cheeks were flushed, tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes as she used the kitchen counter to hold herself up.


“Laugh it up, Country. Just remember, the next time you find yourself in an awkward predicament, you’ll get no help from me.”


She waved me off, struggling to stand under her bouts of laughter. We took our places around the coffee table. I was careful not to sit by Vanessa, instead sitting on the couch behind Andi who, much to my surprise, leaned back into my legs. I widened them a little to give her more room and she handed me a glass of wine. This was so different to any setting I had found myself in before. It was far more casual and ‘normal’ than the crowd I ran with. The atmosphere was one of friendship and laughter, and as I leaned back into the couch, Andi on the floor between my legs, I realized this was a scenario I liked a lot. Why on earth did I ever fear meeting someone who would make me want to give up the porn industry? I always considered that chance encounter as something akin to a curse, yet in the short time I had been hanging out with Andi, I realized what a blessing it could be. I understood just what it felt like to be ordinary, without expectations or worries. Even if I was wearing a lame-ass Twilight shirt, I was content.






Chapter 12





Decker seemed different. His body seemed to be rid of the tension he had been carrying in his shoulders the last couple of weeks. Instead of wicked and bold, his smile was now honest and untroubled. Since the moment he had turned up in my store earlier this afternoon, his attentiveness towards me had become a little more intense, but not intimidating or forced. He was no longer forcing his crass humor or witty and seductive remarks on me. He was just being Decker. He seemed happy to just be with me, plain ol’ Andi. I wasn’t sure what had changed, but it was sudden and surprising. I could analyze it until the cows came home, but I didn’t want to. I just wanted to take whatever this was that he was offering me, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. I mean, it wasn’t like we were making a lifelong commitment or anything. Even if he was retired, he had still been a porn star. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. There were many times I had been tempted to Google his name, but fear held me back. By this time in his life, with the career he had embarked on twelve years ago, his list of conquests, both socially and professionally, would be insurmountable. It made me feel a little ill to think about it, so I did what Andi does best, I switched it off and didn’t think about it at all.


“Oh, come on. Cannabis? An herb starting with C?” Lionel groaned.


Decker shrugged. “It’s an herb. What’s the problem?”