Decker's Wood

Wow, talk about buzz kill, I’d only just realized I might want to embark on my first real relationship less than an hour ago, and now she wanted to talk marriage and kids?


“I’m not big on thinking about the future. I guess I’m one of those guys who’s happy to tackle life one day at a time.” Even though she didn’t say anything, I could see the disappointment in her eyes, and for some reason, I really didn’t want to disappoint her. I thought about it, my life, my future. I’m not sure I could see myself married with kids, but I knew I couldn’t see myself with the life I had thus far created. “I’m not sure if this is my place.” I shrugged. “I love New York, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, but I like the idea of traveling. I wouldn’t mind dropping by England to beat some sense into Bradley. I’ve always wanted to see Europe.”


She was grinning with approval now which helped re-stir the tightness in my groin. “I’d love to see Greece and Spain and Italy,” Andi exclaimed. A comfortable silence descended on us. “I’m sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t have suggested you don’t respect women and all that crap. I really overstepped my boundaries making those assumptions about you,” she whispered.


“You didn’t overstep any boundaries, Country. Let’s just put that morning behind us and move forward.”


“I’m all for leaving the past in the past.” She settled her empty drink down on the old wooden coffee table before us and leaned back into my arm. Her leg brushed mine, and I enjoyed the feeling of warmth that sparked between us. She lolled her head to one side and glanced up at me. “Maybe once I’ve finished kicking New York’s ass, we could travel together. I promise I wouldn’t cramp your style; I’ll be the perfect wing-woman and I’ll even help you beat the blazes out of Bradley.”


My fingers still played with one of her long curls as I glanced down at her. “Country, I would love nothing more than to travel with you, but I’m fairly sure I won’t be needing a wing-woman. And I’d love to watch you hand Bradley his ass on a platter; it would be hot as hell.”


She smiled and my eyes dropped to her mouth. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, making me wonder if it was because they were dry or if she was anticipating a kiss. What would she do if I kissed her? What was the etiquette here? Did I just move in and kiss her? Did I ask for permission first? Was the licking of her lips some sort of unsaid kissing consent? This was so much fucking easier on a film set. I looked up into her eyes, which appeared to be full of longing and desire, but maybe I was looking too hard for something that wasn’t there. Fuck me, was a kiss supposed to be this difficult? I was just going to go for it. I’d know pretty quickly where her thoughts were: if she kissed me back we were good; however, if she kneed me in the balls, well, I would have fucked things up before they had even began.


“Decker?” Tension immediately thrummed through my body at the sound of the familiar female voice. Andi obviously noticed the change in my rigid composure as she stilled and turned to watch two women approach. Leah and Cindy were heading towards me with questioning gazes, then Leah’s gaze landed on Andi and she smiled with a sudden comprehension. This was what one might call an ‘oh shit’ moment.






Chapter 10





He was going to kiss me, the way his eyes had dropped to my lips was pretty much a screaming neon sign above his head that read, ‘earth shattering moment imminent’, but a female voice had made him withdraw faster than scalded cat. And thank my lucky stars because, hello! I was not kissing Decker Steele, porn star extraordinaire and life-long man-whore. Nu huh, I’d rather have my nipples chewed off by a pack of wild dogs than kiss Decker. Now I was thinking about Decker chewing on my nipples. Oh good grief, what was wrong with me? Decker’s warm arm behind my head was gone, a clear gap between our bodies, and with it, sense had returned to my lust riddled brain.


“Hey, Leah,” Decker nodded to the dark haired woman, then he nodded to the blonde, “Cindy.” They were so beautiful it almost hurt my eyes to look at them. Tall, slim, flat stomachs, long straight hair, perfect makeup, dresses that hung in a slippery fabric flowing over their stunning bodies like water. Their female attention was not on Decker though, it was holy and solely on me. It was awkward moments like these that I tried hard to avoid. Little ol’ Andi Jennings didn’t want to be the center of attention, ever! But I had learned to manage myself and come out of these situations with my pride intact.


“Well, howdy there. ‘Scuse Decker’s terrible manners, he’s still as big of an ass as I remembered him being as a teenager. I’m Decker’s friend, Andi.” I stood up and held out my hand. The girls both gave me surprisingly warm smiles. The dark haired one, Leah, looked as though she had just won the lottery as she beamed at me.