Decker's Wood

“I’ve heard all about you,” she purred. Huh? She had? Decker groaned from somewhere behind me. “I’m Leah, this is Cindy. We’re work colleagues of Decker’s.”



Oh, porn stars. With their incredible beauty, it didn’t surprise me. And then the thought that Decker actually had sex with these women crossed my mind. No wonder he loved his job, having sex with these women wouldn’t be a hardship to his sexed up manhood. Leah and Cindy were quick to pull up chairs as I sunk into my seat, trying to ignore the jealousy that was burning inside me. It’s not like I should care. Decker and I were just friends, friends who had been very close to crossing a line that we wouldn’t have been able to cross back over. They had stopped us from making a terrible mistake. I should be buying them drinks, not avoiding their gazes like a green eyed monster.


“I’ll grab another round,” said Decker. He seemed eager to flee the sudden rise in X chromosome.


“Wow,” Leah began, ignoring Decker completely as he slipped quickly away. “You are stunning. I love that dress.”


Stunning? No one had ever used that word to describe me. Maybe she needed prescription glasses? I would have thought she was teasing me, except the honesty as she looked over my vintage style dress was clearly not feigned.


“Oh, thank you. I picked it up at a flea market and did a little tinkering.” Cindy seemed quietly contemplative as she watched me. “It’s nothing compared to your dresses; you both look gorgeous. I couldn’t get away with a dress like that, I’ve got a pudge.”


Leah’s brow furrowed as her eyes quickly raked me over. “There is not an ounce of pudge on you. You have subtle curves that are beautiful and feminine. Of course you could wear something like this, it’s all about confidence. As long as you stand tall, show off the goods,” she gave her shoulders a small shake, her rock hard boobs barely moving, “you will have every man within a ten foot radius watching you.”


“As if she needs more eyes on her; almost every man in the place is ogling her,” Cindy said with a gentle smile. I glanced around nervously. Every male eye in the vicinity was glued on them, not me.


“You’re both bat shit crazy. There’s not a man here who isn’t watching you ladies like you’re a leg of steak he’s about to devour.”


“Decker was watching you,” Leah whispered.


“There you are,” boomed a loud masculine voice that had me jumping in surprise. A man appeared from behind the girls, his eyes on me as his large hand settled on Cindy’s shoulder. The girls gave him a friendly smile; it appeared they knew him.


“And Fabian,” giggled Cindy as the newcomer continued to watch me with an unnerving intensity.


“I thought you girls had ditched me,” he chuckled.


He was handsome in a boyish way. His eyes were a dark blue, his blonde hair perfectly groomed, his teeth almost too white. His nose was straight, his jaw wide, his cheek bones high. He was clean shaven, dressed in an expensive looking suit, holding himself with a confidence that screamed wealth and success. He was also garnering his own appreciation from the surrounding women.


“You know we wouldn’t ditch you so early in the evening,” purred Leah.


Fabian was still watching me with a predatory focus that made me shift nervously.


“Stop staring, you big douche, this is Andi, Decker’s friend,” said Cindy, slapping the tall man on the arm.


“Andi, cute name for a cute girl. I’m Fabian, also a friend of Decker’s.” By friend, I immediately wondered if he was also a porn star.


“Nice to meet you, but you should be careful when you call a girl cute. You do know what that word really means, right?” Fabian’s confident persona slipped a little as he shook his head. “Cute, ugly but interesting.”


Leah and Cindy chuckled, and Fabian’s smile was bright and easy, his eyes crinkling in the corners. Oh yeah, he was attractive, but there was something behind those intense eyes that made me nervous, and he was far too perfect looking for me. I liked ruggedly handsome men, men who could still look good following a week of razor resistance. Men who could climb out of bed and finger comb their hair to start the day. I didn’t like to battle for a bathroom mirror with a high maintenance man.