Decker's Wood

Back in the safety of my apartment, I wandered aimlessly around the living room, my thoughts tangled with my past, present, and future. Andi was no doubt featured in at least two of those categories, but how would she feature in the third? Was she worth giving up the comfort of what I knew? Was she worth turning my back on the reputation and status I had spent years building? My name was synonymous with adult film; I was a fucking star in my own right. Was a slip of country ass worth giving it all up for?


Any traces of the easy going laughter I had recaptured upon Andi’s return into my life was gone once more. My mood was dark, just as it had been for all those months leading up to Andi’s New York arrival. Twenty minutes ago, I had stepped from the shower and couldn’t even bother to get dressed. I stood butt naked in my living room, vehemently denying my attraction for Andi. Just the thought of her was turning my inactive cock into a state of painful arousal. Uh huh, my head was shoved so far up my ass, I no longer knew one hole from the other. When my cell rang, I gave it a quick glance. My heart began to race like an adolescent fucking school girl when I saw Andi’s name flashing across the screen. I wasn’t going to answer it though, I didn’t do relationships, I didn’t do commitment, and I sure as hell didn’t do girly crushes. I stared at my phone defiantly until it stopped ringing. I snickered with satisfaction. Decker one, girl zero! I stood and turned to face the kitchen and then, like the pathetic bitch I am, I turned back and frowned at my buzzing phone. It went silent, then buzzed to advise me a message had been left. I ignored it and resumed my course to the kitchen, grabbing the milk from the fridge, drinking it directly from the carton. I glanced back across the room at my phone. What if she was in some sort of trouble? She didn’t know anyone else in town, apart from her neighbors of course. Yeah, Lionel and Casey could help her out with any trouble. I shoved the milk carton back in the fridge and stared at my phone again. Ignore her. Call Cindy and Lexie over for a little horizontal action, or better yet, get dressed and go out tonight. Move on, live the rock star life I had worked hard to achieve. The message taunted me like an itch I couldn’t scratch. When the hell did I become so big a * I might let the opportunity of a lifetime pass me by? Girls like Andi were rare, and because I wasn’t man enough to pick up the phone, some other lucky bastard would claim that sweet country perfection. You’re going to be fucking Melody Mona with mock enthusiasm—with a dick full of Viagra no doubt—while someone else buries himself in the sweetness that is Andi. She might be all, she might be nothing, but at the end of the day, I needed to fucking know. I grabbed for the phone and hit her number.




That husky Texan drawl went straight to my dick. I cleared my throat before I spoke, because I knew my voice would sound like a crackling, hormonal teenager if I didn’t. “Hey, Andi, sorry I miss your call, I was in the shower.” Still naked as the day I was born, with a raging hard-on, I glanced around the room as if expecting to see someone mocking my pathetic situation.


“Oh, hey, Decker, I hope I didn’t interrupt you.”


I looked down at the monster at my groin. I was tempted to start stroking myself and just get off on the sound of her voice. Ahhhh, loser at life present and accounted for.


“Not interrupting. What’s up?” I said, managing to keep my hand off my cock.


“I picked up a bottle of Wild Turkey and want to give it to your dad to thank him for the paint and stuff. I’ve spent the better part of the morning calling every Steele in the phone book trying to locate him. Do you have any idea how many Steeles there are in New York? Anyway, on the last call, I got some dirty ol’ man who wanted to know if I was a phone sex operator. When I said I most definitely was not, he asked me if I was wearing polish on my toenails, and when I said I had bubblegum pink on today, he wanted me to do something anatomically impossible with them, so…I give up. What’s your dad’s address?”