Decker's Wood

“Yo, Decker, long time no see,” exclaimed Jimmy Knox, giving me a manly slap on the back. Jimmy was a good guy and obviously good looking as all the females in the room followed his casual gait with hungry eyes. Even Melody subconsciously licked her lips at the sight of him. They were like fucking sharks circling, nothing like Andi. There I went again with the Andi comparisons.


The Bishop arrived and the meeting began right away, ending an hour later. It was all pretty standard stuff, going over the script, the characters, the setting, blah, blah, blah. Everyone was ordered to present their medicals as there was a no condom clause on this film. I was clean as whistle, always had been, and prided myself on my sparkling record. The script wasn’t challenging, and the opportunity to ad-lib and improvise was encouraged. Regardless of The Bishops high quality, feature film finish, at the end of the day, it was still porn. The storyline was simplistic and the emphasis was, of course, on the sex. Regardless of how overly simplified the structure of the film was, the finished product would be sensational. While The Bishop discussed the schedule, my heart hammered like a spooked rabbit. We would begin filming in just four short weeks and now I was panicking. Would my equipment work or would I be popping pills like the Viagra junkie I had become? Were my acting skills on a level that I could actually fake the enjoyment I wouldn’t be feeling while screwing Melody? Could I shake off my Andi addiction so I could get back to doing what I did best? As soon as the meeting finished, I jumped to my feet and exited the building, desperate to get out of there. Of late, I had managed to perfect the art of asshole so nobody would have found my quick departure anything out of the ordinary.


“Decker, wait up,” Melody called from somewhere behind me.


I didn’t wait, if anything I lengthened my stride and made a beeline for my car. Her cold hand wrapped around my bicep just as I reached for the door.


“Hey, where’s the fire?” she asked, panting.


“I’ve got somewhere I have to be.” I tried for the nonchalance I used to be able to capture with ease, regardless of who I was talking to or screwing. It seemed to elude me now as Melody’s mere presence grated on my nerves. I turned my body, pulling my arm away from the contact she had initiated. How on earth was I going to fuck her if I couldn’t even stand her touching me?


“Well, once you’re finished being wherever it is you need to be, let’s go get a drink.”


“No can do, I’m busy all day.”


“What about tonight?” She was persistent, I’d give her that. Not even my bluntness or obvious revulsion to her touch deterred her.


“I’m definitely busy tonight.”


“Then tomorrow night,” she purred. The woman was indomitable!


“Babe, I’m busy all week. I’ve got a deadline to meet and I’ve got some family stuff to take care of. I’ll call you when I’m free.” I slid into my car and spared her a final glance. She looked like a spoiled child denied a toy. “Another time,” I assured her, feeling a slight tinge of regret for acting like a boorish asshole. What can I say? Melody captured the heart and soul of the asshole in me.