Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Wanda. . . . For a moment, Natti almost forgot about her friend. She guessed touch, at least Seth’s, was powerful; powerful enough to make her lose track of where she was and why. She nodded, letting her exhaustion from the day take hold. Seth guided her onto the sofa. He eased his back into a corner and drew her toward him, wrapping his strong arms around her.

All she had told herself since the café, every little agreement with herself, faded from her mind. She was tired of fighting. And Seth was here for her, willingly comforting her. She tucked her legs beside her, leaned her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes. Seth’s fingers painted small circles along her arm. The soft tingling sensation spread gently through her core into the very tips of her fingers and toes. She could feel Seth lean over her, the tip of his nose brushing the top of her head as he inhaled.

Natti instantly placed her hand over his heart. The weight she felt there was undeniable, but something seemed to be calling to her, reaching for her. The steady beat under her palm luring her mind into blissful thoughts. As she began to doze, a glowing light appeared in wisps, surrounding her, pulling her closer. A growl also echoed somewhere nearby. Natti could sense something slipping through the darkness. Pacing. Waiting. It was hungry like an animal, and its eyes were set on her.

Seth shifted under her, jolting Natti from her dream. The calming sensation eased away and was replaced by an invisible wall of tension that wedged itself between them. Natti opened her eyes to see Seth’s cold gaze focused on the floor. Still wanting to be encased by his warmth, Natti inched closer despite his sudden hesitance. Seth’s muscles jerked unexpectedly, and he turned to look at her. His eyes reflected some surprise mixed with delight. She smiled at him, and then let her chin drop to his chest. She could feel his fingers painting more small circles on her palm, easing her mind back into a more peaceful slumber.

“Natti.” Seth’s voice was soft as silk. “You might want to wake up.”

Natti’s eyes flickered open. She was unsure how long she had been asleep, but it couldn’t have been long. Before her, she saw two familiar people enter the hospital. When Mrs. Winfall caught sight of Natti, she raced into the waiting room. Natti’s mind quickly clicked in. Her anxiety surged, erasing the comfort Seth had provided her. She raised herself up and met Wanda’s parents half way.

“Where’s our daughter?” Mrs. Winfall was in tears. “Where’s my baby?”

Natti pulled the shaking woman into a hug. “She’s still with the doctors.”

Mr. Winfall’s eyes glowered at her, making her flinch. “How could this happen? This shouldn’t have happened! She was supposed to be sleeping over at your house working on some project, not at some wild God damn party!”

“I’m-I’m truly sorry,” Natti stuttered. “I didn’t think she would have . . . We should have mentioned . . .”

“Sir.” Seth’s hand was suddenly on Natti’s back. “I’m not sure what Wanda said or didn’t say to you, but Natti was the one who took care of her. She recognized something was wrong and got Wanda the help she needed. I’m sure Wanda is grateful she was there. Shouldn’t you be as well?”

Natti looked over at Seth, in shock. He flashed a charming smile before turning his focus back to Mr. Windfall. Their eyes locked.

“Yes . . . Yes, I suppose so,” Mr. Winfall stammered after a bit.

It took all of Natti’s remaining strength not to let her jaw drop. Did Seth just use charm to defend her? The scarier part was that it actually worked so well. He was so good with his ability he could probably charm the skin off a snake.

Maybe he isn’t nearly as big of a jerk as I thought.

“How is she?” Mrs. Winfall jumped in. “Is she going to be all right?”

Doctor Chang stepped into the room with a clipboard in his hand and a stout nurse in pink scrubs by his side. “I think I can answer that question. Are you Wanda Winfall’s parents?”

Mrs. Winfall’s nodded so vigorously she looked like a bobblehead doll.

“Well, your daughter is doing fine. Based on suspicions of a possible drug-facilitated sexual assault attempt, we went ahead and conducted a toxicology screen. Fortunately, the toxicology report found no drugs of any kind in her system.” The weight of his lies cut Natti like a knife. “However, there was a good amount of alcohol in her system.”

“No,” Natti snapped. “Wanda didn’t drink anything except water! I was with her! I know!”

Doctor Chang shifted his focus to her. “You’re telling me you were with her every second?”

Natti’s jaw dropped, her guilt lashing back. “I left her for a moment, but that wouldn’t have been enough time—”

“As I was saying, Mr. and Mrs. Winfall, she’s resting comfortably and will make a full recovery. We’ll keep her overnight and see how she feels in the morning.”

Mrs. Winfall stepped forward. “Can we see her? Can we see our baby?”

Doctor Chang checked his watch. “I don’t see the harm. Nurse Fray can show you to her room.”

The nurse nodded.

“Oh, thank you!”

“Right this way, ma’am.”

Kelsey Ketch's books