Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Sorry about that, Wanda.” Natti pushed her way through the crowd, relieved to see Q and Ky gone. Her head still had a dull ache from the music, and her nerves were slightly on edge with how cramped the house was. “God, for a large home in a small town, this place is packed. Wanda? Wanda, what’s wrong?”

Wanda leaned on the table, cradling her head. “I . . . er . . . I dun’t know . . . I ferr funny . . .”

Natti’s eyes widened. “Wanda, what did you drink?”

Wanda pointed to the water bottle in front of her. Natti, thinking on her feet, took a napkin and grabbed the neck. She caught site of her own name scribbled on the plastic.

“Shit! Wanda, did you turn your back on these at any time?”

Wanda wasn’t able to answer, nearly collapsing to the floor. Natti caught her, careful not to drop the contaminated bottle in her hand. Oh God! I should have never left her alone. Natti scanned the waves of bodies around them. Think, Natti! Think! I have to get her someplace safe. Somewhere away from the crowd. She hoisted Wanda to her feet, an idea coming to her.

“Move!” she cried out, but the guests continued to dance and jump, blocking their way. “Make a path!”

Natti elbowed and pushed. She screamed and shouted. She even stepped on people’s toes. Nothing was getting through their wired brains. The swaying boys and girls around her were too caught up in the heavy beat of the music to notice. Natti’s temper boiled in outrage.

“MOVE!” she bellowed.

“Natti?” a familiar voice answered.

“Seth!” Relieved, Natti watched Seth make his way toward her.

He scanned Wanda’s hunched over body in Natti’s arms, his eyes widening for a moment in surprise. “What’s wrong with her?”

“I have to get her to the restroom! I’ll explain there!”

Seth’s brow rose, bewildered. He glanced in the direction of the sound system, then swirled around. “Excuse us.” Even with the booming volume of the music surrounding them, his honey-sweet voice melted through the noise. The people around them froze, turning their attention to him. They slowly stepped back to create a small path.

“Thank you.” He flashed a grin at the ladies, making them swoon. Natti groaned, but for once she was grateful for his ability. She marched after him as he continued to clear the way, dragging Wanda alongside her. They finally made it to the back wall where several couples were making out. Seth opened the bathroom door and checked to see if it was clear. He waved her forward. Natti carried Wanda through the orchid-decorated power room, throwing open the john on the other side. She leaned Wanda over it before eyeing Seth in the threshold. He might have been a jerk and some sort of chaos worshiper, but she needed his help.

“Close the door,” she demanded.

Seth nodded, locked the door, and knelt on the floor next to Natti. Natti brushed Wanda’s hair away from her face, tucking it under the back collar of her shirt.

Wanda moaned. “I ferr dizzzzy . . . What’z wrong wiz me?”

“I take it that whatever she drank wasn’t fruit juice,” Seth teased.

Natti shook her head. “She’s only had a few sips of water.”

His face became stern. “Then what’s wrong with her?”

“Natzi . . . My head iz zpinaling,” Wanda mumbled.

Oh God. Natti tried to think what to do, searching her brain for any helpful information. “Wanda, I need you to puke up whatever you drank, okay?”

“Natti, what’s going on?” Seth pressed.

Natti sighed and handed him the bottle. He took it carefully by the napkin and examined it. “I think someone slipped a date rape drug into it. It’s the last thing she was drinking before I found her like this.”

Seth’s eyes narrowed, swirling the liquid inside the bottle while deep in thought. Natti returned her attention to Wanda. “Wanda, you need to get rid of this junk before more of it absorbs into your system.”

“I dun’t zzzzink I can.” Wanda moaned.

Natti growled. She peeled off her jacket, bracing herself for what had to be done. “Sorry about this, Wanda, but it’s for the best.”

She raised Wanda’s head and shoved her finger down her throat. Wanda gagged and choked, her tongue hardly able to fight Natti’s force. Then on cue, Wanda’s stomach turned. Natti jumped back, knocking into Seth, as Wanda puked into the bowl.

“Shit!” Seth steadied Natti in his arms. “What do they teach you in England?”

Kelsey Ketch's books