Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Doctor Chang took the bottle by the napkin. “I’ll see that she has a toxicology screen done immediately. Meanwhile, you two can stay in the waiting room.”

He walked off, taking the water bottle with him. Natti was about to follow him when Seth pulled her back. “Why did you—?”

“Natti, this is out of our hands now,” Seth told her in a soft whisper. “Let the doctors do their work.”

She sighed loudly. It was too late. The evidence gone. She could only hope the doctor was honest enough to report the findings.

Seth laid a hand on her shoulder and guided her through a door which led to a long hall and an elevator. The doors opened immediately, and nurses and doctors rushed into the hall. Some carried supplies and medications. Once the crowd was clear, Seth led the way into the empty elevator. Natti hesitated, reached into her pocket, and pulled out her cell phone before stepping inside.

“What are you doing?” Seth asked, pressing the lobby button of the elevator.

“I’m calling Wanda’s parents. They should be here.”

After listening to Mrs. Winfall breaking into tears and a short, heart-felt lecture of ‘how she did the right thing’ from her father over the phone, all Natti could do was wait for them to arrive. She was anxious over the whole incident, blaming herself for everything. Her mind kept reeling through every ‘should’ve’ possibility: she should’ve never let Wanda stay with Q and Ky; she should’ve taken her to the restroom with her; she should’ve stayed with her; she should’ve never agreed to go to the party. . . . Pacing back and forth over the linoleum floors, Natti kept an eye on the clock. The noise from the television wracked her nerves, yet when Seth turned it off for her, the quiet only gnawed at her gut. The reality of what had happened just sunk deeper into her thoughts. She couldn’t stay still if she tried. Her muscles refused to rest for even a moment, so she crushed her knuckles into her palm to ease her tension.

“Natti, you need to relax,” Seth finally said.

She froze in her place and looked at him. “Relax! Are you mental? My best friend was drugged!”

Seth stood up from the long, ratty sofa, peeled apart her hands, and took them into his. “You don’t know that for sure.” He brushed his thumbs over her skin in soft, smooth strokes. “Just let the doctors worry about it.”

The calm, soft tingle of his touch seeped through her skin, coursing lightly over her nerves and releasing their tension. Her mind and body began to calm down, making her realize how badly every muscle had been physically shaking. Slowly, layer upon layer of fear and stress simply vanished until she felt nothing at all. She looked up at Seth’s eyes, drawn to their warmth and comfort.

“Okay . . .” Natti spoke, almost breathless. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?” Seth’s voice was seductive as he leaned his forehead against hers. His scent of spice cologne, myrrh, and sandalwood consumed her senses, and his eyes captured her soul.

“This,” she pressed. “The sensations of your touch. I’ve been feeling it all night and even before. Ever since we met. And don’t try to lie. I know you’re doing it, but how?”

Seth smirked at her question, his eyes turning their focus to her hands. “It’s nothing.”

Natti couldn’t help smile as more of the tingling sensation slipped over her skin. “Oh, it’s something. What is it?”

His beautiful full lips tempted her with a smile. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

Silence fell between them while he seemed to think it over, meanwhile massaging her hands with his thumbs and fingers. The pressure, the release, each movement slowly pulling her thoughts and focus onto his hands. “Touch is a magical thing, Natti,” he explained. “It can comfort.” He raised one hand and stroked her cheek, soft and gentle. “It can entice.” His thumb moved along her jaw and applied pressure as it traveled down her neck, causing her to shiver with delight. “And it can hurt. Whatever the intensions, it brings two people together. It makes a certain . . . connection.”

Though there was no heaviness of a lie, she chuckled at his response. “You’re right. I don’t believe you. Touch is just a sense. A tool the human body uses.”

“Yes, and it’s a powerful tool when used the right way.” His honey voice teasing her, tempting her. “Now come sit with me and relax. Wanda will be all right.”

Kelsey Ketch's books