Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Well, it’s what we do now,” Q commented. “We are officially Sons of Set. Creating chaos and destroying people’s lives is our job.”

“We have only been Sons for less than a week, and this goes way beyond anything we’ve ever done.” Seth leaned on the wall and pictured Natti drugged at his feet, vulnerable and weak. He felt the beast stir. “Rape is a whole new level.”

“Says the guy who’s had—how many woman?—in his bed. How’s using Rohypnol any different from your mind-bending power, other than salesmanship?”

Seth froze, considering Q’s statement.

“Why are you so wound up about this anyway, man?” Ky took a beer from the side table. “We didn’t get our target this time around anyway.”

“Just stay away from her!” Seth barked at the both of them, his fury rekindling. His whole body was becoming hot, and his fists were curling at his side.

“Hey, man, just trying to do you a favor.”

“By drugging her?”

Q pushed up his glasses. “She has completely consumed your thoughts. And since you don’t seem to be trying to win her over with your charm—”

“I tried, remember? And I screwed up!”

“One mistake.”

“A dangerous mistake! I could have killed her!”

Q smiled. “And who would have cared?”

A raging explosive ignited deep inside Seth. “I WOULD HAVE!”

Q dropped his cavalier attitude and stared into Seth’s eyes. “Why? What makes her so special?”

Seth paused, trying to word his answer carefully before his rage could spill the truth. “She’s just different, okay?” he finally responded. “She’s a challenge.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” Q pushed up his glasses. “Ever since she came along, you changed more and more over time. You hardly try to use your charm. As for your recreational activity, it’s not just trending downward anymore; it’s hit rock bottom. At school, all you do stare at Brit-chick whenever she’s in the same room with you. And when given any opportunity to charm her, you still won’t act! What is up with you, Seth?” Q paused. A dangerous twinkle glistened in his eyes and a taunting smirk drew across his mouth. “Dude, you’re not like in love with her, are you?”

The idea sparked fear into the mix of Seth’s temper. “THAT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE!” he exclaimed.

“Really? Because you’re showing all the signs—”


“I sure hope for your sake you’re right. Our teachings clearly state—”

“I KNOW THE TEACHINGS!” Seth began to pace. Trying to calm his fury, he began to speak a few of the teachings in the ancient language. “‘Exploit thy enemy’s weakness.’ ‘With greed comes power, with power comes greed.’ ‘Follow only lust, for love is for the weak.’” He cleared his throat, returning to English. “My father has made that one very clear all my life, so don’t go lecturing to me about our teachings!”

Q stepped closer. “Then nail the bitch and get over her!”

Seth exhaled, frustrated. “It’s not that simple, man.”

“How is it not simple? You charm her, and then you bang her!” Q spat. “If your father had his way with her, her mind would be a complete puddle. She would be in the Temple of Set right now, sharing her bed with him! Just like the others!”

Seth snapped, grabbed Q by the collar, raising his feet off the floor, and slammed him into the wall. “Which is why my father is never going find out that she even exists! And if you so much as slip a word to him, I’ll charm you right off a cliff! You got that!”

Q’s eyes narrowed, but nodded. “Whatever you say, Seth.”

Seth let him drop back to the floor. “Good. And if you two mess with her again, I swear I will kill you both. She is mine! I will deal with her in my own way!”

Seth’s thoughts drifted while Mr. Jackson handed back the student’s reviews on The Taming of the Shrew during the last five minutes of class. He was seriously confused while trying to decipher his feelings about Natti.

“Dude, you’re not like in love with her, are you?” Q’s words echoed in the back of his mind.

Seth never thought it possible, not after all the training his father put him through. Not after all the girls he seduced. Yet when Q’s suggestion sank in, it didn’t seem as impossible as he first thought. He rubbed his hand across his face, trembling from fear.

You don’t love her, he repeated in his mind for the hundredth time that day. You can’t love her.

The soft thump of Mr. Jackson’s hand pulled him into reality. Seth glanced at his review lying before him. A note glimmered in red scribble where a grade should have been. Seth picked it up to read the message: ‘See me after class to discuss.’

Seth heaved a heavy sigh, Perfect. Just what I need.

The bell rang, but Seth remained seated. He waited until the entire classroom emptied before he picked up his gear and walked to Mr. Jackson’s desk. He tossed the four page paper before the teacher, landing it right on top of the open grading book.

Kelsey Ketch's books