Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Natti pushed open the door. The first shock wave of blasting heavy rock music slammed into her body, throwing her mind into a whirlwind of mindless thought. Her heart rate quickened and a headache flared. She staggered for a second before leaning on the frame, her ears and head pounding from the sound.

While she let herself adapt, her thoughts slowly became comprehensive again. The headache persisted between her temples, beginning to ease slowly. Her heart became steady and calm. What the bloody hell? She looked into the dancing crowd, all swept away in the music. She rubbed her sore ears, feeling the beat vibrate the floor. She had been around loud music with surround sound and heavy bass, but this . . . this was overwhelmingly mind-numbing.

“Wow! Q really knows how to throw a wild party, doesn’t he?” Natti hollered over the noise.

Wanda’s attention seemed to be somewhere in the distance as she bobbed her head and swayed her hips with the beat. She gave a quick laugh and a nod in response.

“Hey, Q!” Ky elbowed his short companion, practically knocking him over. “Our target has finally made an appearance! Dining room table at two o’clock. And who is that other gem with her?”

He let out a low whistle. His eyes traveled over the gold and black figure with curly brown hair dangling free while she swayed to the beat.

“Perfect!” Q looked up from his stereo system. “Is she under the sound waves’ intoxication?”

Ky studied the two girls for a moment, focusing on the Brit-chick that had been plaguing his best buddy from the moment she arrived at Setemple High. And in the outfit she was wearing tonight, he couldn’t blame him. She was one hot-looking chick! “She’s just standing next to the table, man. And she looks pretty normal to me.”

Q crinkled his brow. “Odd. I thought I had my calculations perfect. Perhaps I need to adjust the intensity a bit?”

With a few taps of his fingers over the keyboard, the underlying, hypnotizing notes were intensified and the people around them were drawn deeper into inebriation. Even Ky’s mind drifted into the wonderful bliss, emptying of all thought and letting his body follow the beat. A swift kick to his shin jerked him back to life. Holding onto his injured leg, Ky grumbled and cursed at Q.

“Stay focused!” Q hissed in return.

“Why can’t you just learn to enjoy, dude?”

“Because we have a job to do! How does she look now?”

Ky glanced over. The girl in the golden skirt was swaying her hips, pulling at Natti’s sleeve to join her on the dance floor. Natti gave in a little before shaking her head like trying to get rid of annoying fly and settling back against the table. “Nope. But boy! Her friend can really move!”

Q glared up at him. “Hmm. . . . Well, it doesn’t matter. We can still have our fun.” He took two pills out from his hidden stash and ground them into a powder in a mini plastic bag. He shook the contents with a menacing smile. “We just have to get her to take some of this.”

“Where’s Seth?” Ky asked, setting his injured leg down. “Shouldn’t he be here for this?”

“He’s out back, smoking a joint.” Q glanced over toward the dining room, though it was likely he couldn’t see anything through the blitzed crowd. “We’ll have him join us after we complete the first stage of our plan.” Q held out the powdered pills to Ky. “It’s very simple—a pleb can do it. All you have to do is slip this powder into her drink.”

Ky snatched the drugs. “Then we wait.”

Q nodded. “When she begins to feel the effects, you swoop in and carry her to the sanctuary. I’ll have it unlocked.”

“And I get a taste of her, right?”

Q glowered, crossing his arms, and Ky zipped his lip in disappointment, knowing the answer. Yet he couldn’t help fantasizing taking advantage of the girl as she lay helpless. The beast craved it. Q began to make his way through the crowd. Keeping his distance, Ky slipped into the background, behind the table of snacks and beverages. His stomach growled, but he was willing to wait for a special dessert.

Q picked up a beer and opened it. “Natara! Glad to see you could make it.”

Natti jerked in surprise and turned around to face Q. “Oh, hi, Q!”

Q’s brows furrowed, studying her. Up close she was paler than usual, almost like she was going to be sick. “You feel okay?”

“I have a headache.” She waved him off with a grimace. “Why?”

After a moment of contemplating and taking in her figure, Q shrugged. “Just asking.”

“Who’s your friend?” Ky asked from behind, making Natti jump and turn.

A smile curled on her lips. She shook the other girl out of the daze for a moment. “You both know Wanda.”

Ky accidently bumped into the table, startled.

“Wanda?” Q whispered, his eyes traveling her figure in shock.

“Ah, hi, guys!” Wanda blushed before letting herself get caught up in the music again.

Q shook his head and shot Ky a glare. Ky refocused, slipping his hand into the pocket with the drugs.

Q shouted over the roaring speakers, “So are you enjoying the party?”

“Yeah!” Natti nodded. “It’s been a blast so far. We came in about a half an hour ago.”

Kelsey Ketch's books