Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Then charm her into coming!”

Falling silent, Seth glanced over at Natti again. The harsh groan of metal against vinyl snapped Seth’s attention back to Q as he shoved himself out of his seat and marched toward Natti’s table.

“Hey, Natara,” Q called.

Seth scrambled from the table and chased after him, hissing, “Q, don’t!”

Jen, Wanda, and Kevin all stared. Natti raised her brow, clearly intrigued by the spectacle as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Q came to a stop at their table and leaned over her seat. “I’m having a party tonight. You game?”

Natti’s eyes darted from Q to Seth, completely flustered. “Well, I—”

Seth shook his head ‘no’, causing her to freeze mid-sentence. He didn’t want her around him or his friends. He didn’t trust any of them, not even himself, anymore.

“Come on, girl,” Q pressed. “You game or what?”

Seth grabbed Q’s arm, trying to pull him away. “I’m sure Natti and her friends have something better to do.”

Natti’s jaw dropped, insulted. She shook her head in disbelief before addressing Q. “Actually, it sounds awesome. I’ll be there.”

Seth winced at her words. “Natti, don’t you—?”

Q slapped Seth in the back, cutting him off. “Perfect! Fifty-five Lions Gate Drive. Spread the word.”

“You got it.” Natti nodded.

Q shot his finger at her with a sly wink and walked off, leaving Seth to stand in utter shock. He looked at Natti with concern, trying to find some way to convince her not to go. But the right words would not come to him.

A smug smile crossed Natti’s beautiful lips. “See you there.”


“What was that all about?” Kevin asked once Seth finally trailed after Q.

Natti shrugged, still peeved that Seth had the nerve to try and tell her what to do. She might have started ‘liking’ him, but she wouldn’t allow him to start controlling her life. “I don’t know. Some ego trip, I’m sure.” She smiled at her friends. “So you guys coming? To Q’s party I mean.”

“No freaking way!” Jen spat.

“Why not?” she asked, thinking of the few fun and wild parties she attended back in London. “It sounds like fun.”

“It’s Q,” Kevin added. “The guy is the biggest jerk in the entire school.”

“So? It’s a party.” Thinking about the music and all the dancing bodies, her excitement was already on the rise. “You don’t have to hang with him.”

Jen shifted. “No, but from what I’ve heard about his parties, I still wouldn’t go.”

Natti crinkled her brow. “What do you mean?”

Kevin leaned forward. “When Q throws a party, things happen . . . drugs . . . alcohol . . . sex . . . It’s the perfect place for those vultures to take advantage of you, Natti. I’ll even bet Seth is planning something as we speak.” He glanced over at the table. “Have you seen how he’s been looking at you lately?”

Natti felt her cheeks burn in anger. “Kevin, don’t start!”

“Probably tired of her constant rejections,” Jen chimed in, ignoring the glare Natti sent her way. “Kevin’s right. You need to be careful around those three, Natti, or they’ll get to you, just like that oracle said.”

Natti fidgeted. The last thing she wanted was to hear anything about was Seth and his possible web of false intensions. “Oh, come on, guys. It’s nothing like that. And I’ve been to these kinds of things before. I doubt I’ll even run into him while I’m there.”

“And what if he is planning something?” Kevin snapped. “The oracle is right. He’s been after you since the day you came here. Don’t fall for his charm now.”

Too late, Natti’s mind reflected, but she shook the thought free. “Look, rule one for these kinds of things is never go alone. So, if you are so concerned about my welfare, then come with me! You guys at least can have my back for the night.”

Jen shook her head, pressing her spine farther into her seat. “Sorry, I wouldn’t go if you paid me.”

“I’m with Jen on this.” Kevin leaned back.

“I’ll go with you,” Wanda whispered, and Natti turned to look at her in shock. Wanda? A party animal? “It does sound like fun,” The girl with square frame glasses and printed ‘Books Rock!’ T-shirt continued, “Besides, when would we have another opportunity like this?”

Natti couldn’t help smile with glee. “Brilliant! I have my wing-girl at my side at least!” She wrapped an arm around Wanda. “Come on. What do you two say?”

Jen and Kevin shared a glare between each other.

Kevin snorted. “You both are off your rockers.”

The doorbell echoed through the hall of the single family home.

“I got it!” Natti announced.

Kelsey Ketch's books