Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Uh, Natti, this isn’t exactly a big school.”

Natti shifted as she became agitated. She knew something had changed over the past few days. That she was falling for Seth, despite her efforts not to. She just wouldn’t dare admit it openly, for a list of reasons she constructed over the weekend. First off, he was still a complete mystery to her. Thinking over and over again, she could swear it had been his touch that caused her hormones to constantly go haywire and at the same time healed her, twice. Second, he was still a jerk, especially after what he said about love in the café. Of course, that was coming from the guy who probably slept with more than half the girls in their school. He probably didn’t feel anything for any of them. Just banged them and left. And that oversized ego of his . . . Yeah, she didn’t exactly need to give him more to feed on there. Third and finally, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to be around a guy who supported the god of murder and chaos. It was insane!

“Look, I rather not say right now. Not until I know where this is going.”

“He got you roses!” Wanda chimed, nearly skipping next to Natti. Her eyes searching for the truth.

“White roses,” Natti corrected. And an apology, which earned him some bonus points. “Not exactly romantic. Morning, Mr. Jackson.”

Mr. Jackson nodded with a smile in return to Natti’s greeting.

“It’s a start, right?” Wanda giggled.

“Wanda, I really wouldn’t make a big deal out of it,” Natti said, trying not to burst Wanda’s romance bubble.

“At least tell me what he looks like. Or what grade he’s in. Something.”

Just when Natti was about to open her mouth, the bell rang overhead. Saved by the bell. She breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Jackson stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

“All right,” he said, clapping his hands together, “if everyone can quiet down so we can begin.”

Ky dropped his tray between Seth and Q and took his seat at their usual table. “Oh man! I wish we could repeat that ceremony!”

Seth groaned. He had been trying to forget the ceremony ever happened, but Ky’s constant whining kept bringing back the memories of Set on the throne and the pain he felt in his chest. “Could you lay off it already? It’s been four days!”

“Dude, it was like the best high ever! Yeah, I’ll admit, I was scared at first when we went before Set. But when I embraced his power, I felt a hundred times stronger! Like I could take the world and crush it in my bare hands! It was awesome, man! I would kill for a chance to gain such power again.” Ky then lowered his voice, “And maybe, I just might.”

His eyes darkened while he watched the students around him, like a predator trying to select his prey. It was like he was a different person after the ceremony than the one Seth grew up with. He was hungrier for blood and mayhem.

Q pushed up his glasses and looked away from his computer. “The ceremony was very beneficial to me as well,” he remarked. “This weekend, I’ve finally resolved all the bugs in my ingenuous creation. I even tested the product on full power when my neighbor’s six-year-old was having a slumber party in their back yard. Just after a few notes, the girls went absolutely crazed. Their parents thought they were on a sugar high.”

“Dude!” Ky laughed. “Six-year-olds gone wild!”

“The point is I think I’m ready for an actual test run. I’m having a party at my house tonight to see how it actually works out.”

“ALL RIGHT!” Ky slapped the table. “PARTY! PARTY!”

“Aren’t you concerned that we might get caught up in this high?” Seth commented.

“There’s the beauty of the thing. With some minor changes in intensity and if I adjust the equations, our higher brain neuron function—well, yours and mine at least—” Q snarled while Ky stuffed a burger into his face, “should still be able to react pretty normally under the situation. Plebs, on the other hand, will be inebriated in a whirlwind of carefree emotions.” Q sneered and focused on Seth. “So what about you? Feeling any more confident now that you have been touched by Set’s power? Maybe enough to take on that Brit-chick again?”

“Dude!” Ky exclaimed. “You should totally invite her! The mix of your magic and Q’s brain wave thing, we could like have some real fun with her.”

Seth scowled, the beast growling protectively inside. “Just leave her out of this.”

“Seth, you have to stop avoiding this. Just get it done and over with,” Q snapped.

“I’m not avoiding anything. I am going to get her my way.” Seth looked at Natti and her friends. “I’m biding my time, that’s all. Making a plan. I don’t want another mishap.”

“Then why not invite her to the party? It would be your best time to strike.”

Seth thought for a moment, trying to make his excuse. “I doubt she would say yes. It’s probably not her kind of thing anyway.”

Kelsey Ketch's books