Better Off Friends

But for some reason, I had a feeling it wasn’t the first

time Emily had noticed this. After all, he’d been her crush

before Levi.


“Oh, you.” Emily swatted at his hand. Then she nervously

twisted up her long hair and let it fall back in place. She

finally brought her attention back to me. “Do you want to see

if anybody else wants to join us or . . .”

At first, I thought she was trying to get rid of me. But then

I realized I was being paranoid. Emily was inviting others to

join them, which was something I should’ve been doing. In an

effort to be a good hostess, I went over to the sectional where Danielle, Ian, and Trisha were sitting. “Do you guys want to

play a game or watch a movie? We still have two hours until

midnight. Or I can get you some more food from upstairs.”

“A movie would be cool,” Trisha answered.

“Okay. You guys can pick it out.”

Danielle joined Trisha while she went through the movie


Ian got up. “I think I’ll grab us some more food.”

I went upstairs with him. We heard the parents’ laughter

filling the living room. It seemed like they were having a

more rockin’ time than we were.

“I can’t believe you made all this food,” Ian said when we

got to the kitchen. He took another big helping of the ziti. “It’s so good.”

“Thanks.” I put some more garlic bread in the oven. “I

really like doing it.”

“I can tell you this much — you aren’t going to like the

food in the cafeteria next year.”

I debated asking him more about high school, but I didn’t

want to seem so . . . young. “I guess I’ll start packing my

lunches, then” was the only way I could think to respond.


He took a big forkful of pasta. His dark hair fell in front of

his eyes briefly before he whipped his head to the side.

“Yeah, and if you need any advice on what classes to take

next year or teachers to avoid, just ask.” He smiled broadly at me, a speck of tomato sauce staining his upper lip.

“Thanks.” I realized I wasn’t adding much to the conversation. I’d apparently forgotten how to talk to guys who weren’t

Levi. It wasn’t that I never talked to guys; it was that I

never felt compelled to make small talk solely for the sake of

small talk.

Ian helped me cut up the bread and we brought some out

to the adults, who were all busy having a debate over politics.

When we got back down to the basement, we found Danielle

and Trisha watching Sixteen Candles.

“I’ve never seen this movie before,” Ian said as he plunked

down on the couch next to me.

“It’s a classic,” Trisha told him. “My mom was apparently

obsessed with it when she was my age.”

I looked around the room. “Where did Emily and Troy go?”

Danielle took a piece of garlic bread from Ian’s plate. “You

didn’t see them? They went upstairs to get something.”

“Oh.” We must’ve missed them when we were in the kitchen.

The four of us sat back and watched Sixteen Candles with occasional commentary on the fashion and the hair.

“You should see this photo of my mom.” Danielle laughed.

“She had, like, these tight ringlets in her hair and, like, her bangs stuck up about a foot. She swears it was cool back then,

but I don’t know what planet that would be considered anything but a hot mess.”


“At least some decent music came from that time,” Ian


“Yeah,” I agreed as I shut off the movie. I glanced at the

clock. “We have fifteen minutes ’til the New Year!”

We turned on the TV to watch the ball drop at Times

Square. It was only two years ago that I’d realized they

delayed the feed from New York City an hour for the central

time zone. Before then I’d thought they redid the ball drop for every time zone. I’d thought that was the coolest, to get to

celebrate the New Year four times.

“Okay, seriously. Where are Emily and Troy?” Danielle


I’d almost forgotten about them. “They probably got caught

up in the grown-up talk. I’ll go save them.”

I went upstairs and didn’t see them in the kitchen or the

living room. I checked the powder room and they weren’t

there. I went upstairs and saw that my bedroom door was


Never did it dawn on me that I should’ve knocked. Why

would I have knocked on my own door?

“Hey, Em, are you guys —” I froze at what I saw.

Emily and Troy were kissing on my bed.

They both bolted upright. “Oh, hey, we were, um . . .” Emily

bit her lip, probably trying to think of a lie that I’d believe.

And I desperately wanted to hear something that would

make me think I hadn’t just witnessed my best friend cheating on my other best friend.

Troy said the smartest thing he could at a time like this.

“I’m going to head downstairs.”


Emily and I were silent after he left. Only the sound of

laughter from the oblivious adults could be heard.

Emily finally spoke. “I know.”