Better Off Friends

She started unwrapping the box. She began laughing the second

she saw one of the pictures on the DVD case. “I can’t believe you got me —” She stopped herself as she saw the inscription on the front.

“How did you . . . ?” Her mouth was practical y on the floor. This made me extremely happy.

“My buddy’s dad knew the producer on the show. I cal ed in a


She stared down and then read the inscription on the Buggy and Floyd DVD from the actor who played Buggy: Blimey if I don’t fancy me a glass of Macal an.

“I couldn’t figure out if it was genius or dirty,” I confessed.

“Genius!” Macal an started laughing. I loved it when she laughed.

She had two kinds of laughter: One was a normal chuckle, while the other was this boisterous, head-flailing-back laughter. If I had only 81

one goal in life, it would be to make her laugh loudly every day. And that day, my mission had been accomplished.

“This is the greatest, thank you!” She flung her arms around me.

“You can have as many meals as you want, whenever!”

“I’d like that in writing, please.”

Her head fell back again as she laughed and, I kid you not, my

heart actual y soared.

“So.” I started playing with her hair, which changed color depending on the season, like a tree. It was currently dark brown with a red overtone. “Tell me everything. How was New Year’s?”

The smile quickly vanished from her face. I should’ve known better to keep bringing up something that reminded her of her mom. “It was good,” she said. “Um, when are you seeing Emily?”

I checked the clock. “I told her my flight got in right about now, so I should call her soon.”

“Yeah, you should call her. I know she real y wants to see you.”

This was why Macal an was the greatest friend in the world. I

hadn’t seen her in ten days, yet she wanted to be sure I saw my girlfriend.

“Do you want to come with me to see her?” I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to Macal an just yet.

She shook her head. “No, you guys should have some alone time.”

“Come here.” I gave her a huge hug. “You’re the best. You know

that, right?”

She gave me a meek smile. I didn’t want to leave, because there was clearly something wrong. But maybe what she needed was

some time alone. She was trying to get me out of the room fast


“So are you.” Her eyes were so sad.


While I walked the seven blocks to Emily’s house, I couldn’t get Macal an out of my mind.

My best friend needed me and I was going to figure out what to

do to help her.

But first I had to see my awesome girlfriend.

“LEVI!” Emily screamed before I even had a chance to get to the door.

She ran out in the cold and kissed me, which helped me warm


“You didn’t call me when you landed; I was getting worried!” She held my hand and led me inside.

I’d been so preoccupied with Macal an that I’d forgotten to even warn Emily that I was coming. “I had to drop something off at

Macal an’s first,” I said. I didn’t want to lie to Emily anymore.

“Oh, you saw Macal an?” She smiled widely. “What did you guys

talk about?”

I shrugged. “Just the usual. Plus, I still needed to give her the Christmas present.”

“Oh, right, that DVD thing?” She led me to the couch and asked

me all about my time in California. She hardly let me ask her anything about what she’d done over break. It wasn’t like we hadn’t texted while I’d been away, but she kept wanting to know every detail about my trip.

“Hey, how was the New Year’s Eve party at Macal an’s?” I final y managed to ask.

“Why?” she fired back quickly.

“Ah, only curious. Macal an didn’t say much.”

“Oh.” Emily looked relieved. “It was great, a real y good time.” She bit her lip. “Um, there’s something I should probably tell you. It’s 83

total y not a big deal. You know Troy was there and whatever. I was giving him the tour of the house and we were in Macal an’s room. I guess the door was closed . . .”

I felt a tightness start to form in my chest.

“Anyway, we were talking and it was getting late and we were

lying on the bed talking and Macal an walked in. It obviously startled us, but Macal an thought we were doing something, but it was all innocent. I swear. I just missed you so much.”

I didn’t know what to say. Mostly because I couldn’t believe

Macal an hadn’t tipped me off. Even if it was nothing.

“But it’s a new year, a new start.” Emily leaned in and was only inches away from me. “I shouldn’t have talked to Troy or given him a tour, but, like, I don’t know. I wasn’t even going to tell you, but I didn’t want to keep anything from you.” She started rubbing my leg.

“Forgive me?”