When August Ends

“My Aunt Katy assures me she’s moving here, yes.”

“Maybe you should see if she can come up here soon, so she can look, too. If she’s going to be living there, she should have a say.”

“That’s a good point. I’ll get on that.” Fear still bubbled inside me. “What are we gonna do with all of our stuff? I thought I’d have time to go through everything. My mother has so much crap.”

“Well, maybe we can hold a yard sale. Some of it might have to go into storage for a while.”

When I went quiet, he seemed to realize I was back in freak-out mode. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Things are working out as they’re supposed to. It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed. It would be odd if you didn’t. Change is scary, but it’s the only way to get to the next step.”

I let out a shaky breath. “Yeah.”

“There are big things ahead for you. I just know it.”

Closing my eyes, I said, “Thank you.”

“What are you doing tonight? We can celebrate.”

My brief excitement over that was squelched when I remembered I had plans.

“Oh…um, tonight is my date with Jared.”

He was silent for a bit. “I didn’t realize that. I thought it was tomorrow.”

“Yeah. We were originally going out Saturday, but he asked if we could switch it. He’s picking me up at eight.”

He paused. “Gotcha. Well, maybe another night.”

Things suddenly felt awkward.

“Yes. Definitely.”

“You want anything from McDonald’s? I shouldn’t be eating that stuff, but I’m driving through on the way home.”

I smiled. It was nice of him to ask. He was always so considerate.

“No. I just had an early lunch, but thank you. I’ll come by and say hello before I leave tonight.”

“Yeah…okay…I’ll be home.”

Home. A part of me loved this life so much, living here on the lake and having Noah nearby. I wasn’t ready for that to change.

“Thanks for listening.”

“Don’t worry, Heather. Everything’s gonna be okay.”


Later that afternoon, Chrissy sat on my bed as I got dressed for my date with Jared.

“Damn. You look hot in that dress,” she said, bouncing a little.

“Jared said to wear something nice, so I figured I’d go all out. I didn’t think we were going anywhere dressy until he said that.”

“What else would you expect from a Harvard boy?” She narrowed her eyes as she took a look at my face. “Is everything okay? Are you feeling weird about the offer on the house?”

Actually, all I could think about today was Noah.

“Can I tell you something in confidence?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“It’s about Noah.”

She nodded. “I should’ve known.”

“Should’ve known what?”

“That something was up there.”

“Nothing is actually up there. I mean, not really—other than in my head.”

“You have feelings for him. I could have told you that.”

“So, it’s obvious, then?”

“I picked up on something the night of your party at Tito’s.”

“You did?”

“Oh, yeah. I just couldn’t figure out if it was my imagination or if it was real. Like, I wanted it to be real, you know? You two are both insanely attractive people, and even though he’s older, I don’t think that’s a big deal. You’d make a great couple. He’s clearly very fond of you. I can tell from the way he looks at you. And the way he treats you.”

“He’s fond of me…but not in that way.”

“You know that for a fact?”

“When he first moved in, he treated me like a kid. I think now that he’s gotten to know me, he doesn’t see me as so young anymore. I’ve earned his respect. But he still says nothing can happen between us. Although…lately, I’ve been feeling a shift. I’m getting this vibe I didn’t get in the beginning. I’ve been feeling like maybe he does like me as more than a friend, but he’s afraid to do anything. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. Anyway, it’s a moot point. He wouldn’t try anything, even if he did feel something for me. He’s been the biggest supporter of my going away to school, and he wouldn’t do anything to interfere with that.”

She bit the corner of her mouth. “But you wish he would…interfere.”

“I can’t seem to shake these feelings for him no matter how hard I try. Regardless of what’s about to happen in my life, I just…want him. And the feeling is getting worse the closer we come to the end of his time here.”

“Wow. How come you didn’t talk to me about this before?”

“I’ve been hoping to get over it.”

“Thus, the date with Jared.”

“Well, yeah, I mean, Jared’s a great guy. But Noah…Noah takes my breath away—always has from almost the very beginning. Now that I’ve gotten to know him, it feels so much stronger than physical attraction. We undoubtedly have a connection. I’ve come to depend on him, to trust him. I’m just…really gonna miss him.”

Chrissy offered a sympathetic smile. “If something is meant to happen there, it will. If not now, then maybe someday.”

“Like what do you mean? Years down the line?”

“Sure, why not? Maybe you go away to school, get settled in your career, and reconnect with him somehow when the time is right. You don’t know what life has in store.”

“Or he could be married with kids by then.”

“Well, that’s true.” She seemed at a loss for what to say. “Have you hinted at how you feel?”

“I’ve more than hinted. I flat-out told him I was attracted to him a while back. He shot me down. So there’s that.”

“Ouch. You did?”

“Yeah, shortly after he moved in. I vowed that would be it. I’ll never make the first move again. I haven’t dropped any more hints, aside from not-so-accidentally dropping my panties in his laundry. Other than that, I haven’t done anything else.”

“Holy crap. You didn’t…”

I put on my earrings. “I did. And he hasn’t even acknowledged it. It’s the most bizarre thing. It’s like my undies disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle.”

“Wow.” She laughed. “That’s so nuts.”

“Anyway…I just have to get over this.”

“Trust in fate. What’s meant to happen will. In the meantime, have some fun with Jared. You deserve it.”


As much as I appreciated Chrissy’s advice about enjoying my date with Jared, deep down, I knew who I had really dressed up for tonight. As I walked over to the boathouse, my heart thundered in my chest.

I’d told Noah I would stop in before my date. As I knocked on the door, I took a deep breath in, then exhaled.

I knocked a second time.

He wasn’t home.

Feeling disappointed, I wondered if I wouldn’t get to see him before I left.

Then his deep voice vibrated through me. “Quit knockin’. I’m not buyin’ what you’re sellin’.”

I turned around. “You scared me.”

My nipples stiffened at the sight of him. Noah had grease on his face and his T-shirt. A shimmer of sweat glistened over his forehead. He was dirty, but for some reason he’d never looked hotter to me. And my body’s immediate reaction never ceased to amaze me.

He swallowed hard as he looked me over. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he liked what he saw. His eyes landed on the cleavage I’d very intentionally created by adding extra padding to my bra. My breasts were already pretty big for my frame—a full C—but I wanted to show them off tonight.

“Why are you so dirty?” I asked.

That was a dumb question, but I didn’t know what else to say as his eyes continued to wander over me.

“I had to do some work on my truck.” He didn’t look happy right now.

“Is it all set?”

Instead of answering, he looked me up and down. “You’re not going out like that, are you?”

“I was going to, yes.”

“It’s too much.”

“I don’t look good?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just…too much.” He moved past me and entered the boathouse.

I followed him inside. To my surprise, Noah went straight to the cabinet and took out a shot glass. He poured himself a scotch and drank it down before slamming it on the counter. He was angry. Something about that was damn sexy.

“Can I have one?” I asked.


“Why not?”