Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“Forever,” I echoed, watching her fall over the edge.

There was nothing but me and her in the moments she clenched around me, her body going slack against my grip. I released my tight hold on her throat to give her air but kept stroking her skin with my thumb. Everything could be burning around us and I wouldn’t give a shit. The only person I had any care or appreciation for was her.

She pitched forward, leaning her forehead on my shoulder when she was spent, her breathing harsh and laboured. Carefully, I pressed her down onto the bed, rolling on top of her as I gripped her thigh for leverage. She closed her eyes as I thrust inside her, letting out a little sigh of happiness. Her hands gripped my back, keeping me there with her. My pace increased with my own need to find a release. And right before I did, her eyes flew open, catching me unawares.

I fell so hard, I thought I might fucking die with the pleasure. It raced up my spine with an intensity I had rarely experienced. Scarlett brought out these feelings inside me. It was all her. No one else ever had the ability to make me vulnerable. Make the dam burst around me and the floodgates rip open so wide, I didn’t think they would ever sit right inside me again.

I’d known this would happen if I fucked her when I could see her face. I’d barely managed to keep my head straight when we’d fucked Scarlett together the last time, but now we were alone, I was drowning in her. In those beautiful eyes holding the keys to my entire soul. She broke me and put me back together every time, just as I did her.

I buried my face in her neck to hide my emotional state from her scrutiny. In response, she pressed a kiss to my hair and stroked my back with her fingertips, as if reassuring me it was okay. She had me. She wouldn’t let me go or fall apart.

“My beautiful little Scar,” I whispered in her ear, “you make me happy. I hope you know that.”

She let out a breath, her hands flattening and tightening around me.

“Don’t make me cry. And you make me happy too.”

“I like making you cry.”

She snorted. I lifted off her but not before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I want you to go see his highness before he wakes up and surprise him with your cum-filled pussy.”

The blush spreading across her cheeks had me grinning as I sat up on my knees between her legs.

“You are incorrigible.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“Fine, I’ll tell him it’s your gift to him.”

I laughed, rubbing my hand over her bare thigh.

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

She shook her head and sat up, pressing a kiss to my mouth.

“We all need to talk.”

Nothing good ever came with that statement. I stroked her cheek, not wanting her to think I was too concerned.

“About what?”

“Something Drake told me yesterday.”

Before I could question her further, she picked up her discarded t-shirt, tugged it over her head, and slipped off my bed.


She looked back over her shoulder.

“I’m not mad. I just don’t like the secrets.”

Then she flounced out of my room, leaving me wondering what secrets she was referring to. And asking myself what the fuck Drake had told her. It’s not like I thought we should have any further secrets between us, but it could be anything.

I got off the bed and went into my bathroom to shower, then I’d go seek out Francis and Prescott to warn them of the impending conversation. They were likely going to freak out over it too, but it was neither here nor there. We were a family. And we’d deal with things like a family. Because that’s what you did for the people you loved. You heard them out and fixed shit between you. We would keep doing that with each other, no matter what.

Twenty Two


Drake was not entirely impressed with his gift from West. In fact, he told me the next time I helped West prank him, he would put me over his knee and spank me in front of the others. I’d told him that wouldn’t be much of a punishment. He responded by pinning me to his bed, telling me how much he loved me and kissing me until I was breathless. To say I wasn’t completely won over by his playfulness would be an understatement. The Drake of my past had returned and I couldn’t be happier.

After he’d taken care of my welts, cleaned me up and let me go to grab some clothes from Francis’ room, I’d found him and the others downstairs with breakfast laid out. I sat down, took a sip of my tea and noticed West, Prescott and Francis were looking at me with expectant expressions on their faces.


“You wanted to talk,” West said.

I put my mug down and dug my spoon into my cereal, stuffing it into my mouth and chewing. Setting my spoon down, I levelled my gaze on my four men.

“Drake told me you knew about my medical history. Now, I’m not mad about it, but I do think we need to stop keeping secrets from each other. Not to mention we need an actual conversation about our relationship and what it means for the future.”

Prescott reached out across the table and took my hand, stroking his thumb along mine. I didn’t strictly need his reassuring touch, but it grounded me all the same. The five of us needed to be realistic and clear about what we wanted from each other. I wasn’t scared of what they would say. Being on the same page was important to me after everything we’d been through.

“No more secrets,” he said with a nod.

I took a deep breath and let go of Prescott’s hand.

“I want to see my medical records.”

No one said anything as Drake got out of his chair and went over to the coffee table to pick up his tablet. He brought it back over, flipping through it for several minutes before he set it in front of me and took a seat again. I had expected him to say no or question why I needed this. He hadn’t. Instead, he gave me what I asked for without hesitation. And hell did it make me want to go sit in his lap to kiss him until he was breathless to show my appreciation. Instead, I met his eyes and gave him a nod.

My attention went to the tablet. I picked up my mug, sipping at my tea as my fingers hovered over the screen. I steadied myself internally and began looking through everything. They’d never let me see any of my x-rays from the accident nor show me the extent of the damage. This made it all clear. The fact I’d even survived was a miracle.

Sarah Bailey's books