Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“You are not seriously asking me to lie to her?”

“It’s not lying, it’s withholding the truth. I think Drake deserves a chance to tell her himself. It’s his life, Mum.”

“He never tells her anything.”

I snorted.

“Are you surprised? I know she’s your best friend, but May is kind of scary when she gets going.”

Mum rolled her eyes but smiled.

“I suppose you’re right. And Drake does need to tell her himself. I hope he does soon.”

“When he finds out you know, I don’t think he’ll have much of a choice. Neither Pres with Rosie. She’s going to be…”

“Angry you kept Scarlett from her.”


Mum nodded and dragged her fingers across the kitchen counter.

“I hate to ask this, Francis, but where has she been?”

I shifted on my feet. The question I didn’t want to answer. Mostly because I couldn’t. There wasn’t an easy or simple explanation for her disappearance. Not without revealing things better in the past. They didn’t need to know their son was a killer, nor the type of shit I enjoyed.

“I can’t tell you, Mum. It’s not my place to talk about it.”

“Do the police know she’s no longer missing?”

I shook my head.


“We will tell them when Scar is ready to. She’s still working through things, you know. She’s spent ten years without her memories. It’s difficult for her.”

Mum looked over at Scarlett and Dad.

“I can imagine it is. Well, you have my word this will stay between me and your father.”

“Thank you.”

She pulled me in for a hug. I looked over her shoulder at Scarlett, who was smiling at me. Seeing her happy made my heart lurch. She was so fucking beautiful. Nothing in the world mattered more to me than her.

Mum pulled away from me and saw me staring at Scarlett.


I couldn’t help but be pulled by the thread binding me to Scarlett. When I arrived next to her, she stood up and put her arms around me. I stroked her cheek and smiled. Then I pressed her face into my chest and breathed her in. Her cinnamon scent surrounded me, soothing every part of me from the inside out.

“She’s happy you’re home with us,” I whispered.

“Doesn’t think I’m crazy for wanting all of you?”

I laughed.

“No, I think you’ll have more trouble convincing May and Rosie than Mum.”

Scarlett shuddered before clutching me tighter.

“I’m not looking forward to that part.”

They would have to accept it eventually because no matter what, we were sticking together. We’d promised each other as much. No one in this world could tear us apart except for Stuart Carver. And we had a plan to make sure he never did.

Twenty Four


“Seriously, I’m going to die of boredom at this rate,” Scarlett huffed, pouting at me with those deliciously sensuous lips of hers.

“You’ve been inside for just over a week, hardly a death sentence.”

I knew she hated being locked up. It wasn’t fair on her. Not after everything she’d been through. I just didn’t think she’d be on my case over it so soon. Her ordeal with Mason had affected her more than she liked to let on. The free spirit inside her who liked to be chased was chained up, begging to get out. I could see it in her eyes.

She crawled towards me across the bed and sat in my lap, plucking my phone from my fingers and tossing it on the bed. Someone wanted my full attention on her.

“Please, Pres. I’m trying to be good and do what Drake asked, but I need to get out of this building. Even if it’s just for a couple of hours.”

I cupped the back of her neck, running my thumb along her skin. My poor lamb was suffering. I despised seeing it. It tore at my heartstrings every single time.

“Well, it’s very lucky for you I’ve got a surprise outing planned then, isn’t it?”

The way her hazel-green eyes lit up had me grinning.

“You do?”

“Yes, so you better go put a dress on.”

Fuck, her joy was utterly infectious. She was practically bouncing in my lap, vibrating with excitement. She leant forward and plastered my face with kisses.

“You are literally the best boyfriend ever, but don’t tell the others.”

I laughed, knowing she’d been asking West and Francis too, but neither of them had budged. She knew better than to ask Drake, even if she had him wrapped around her finger. The way he conceded to her desires was a fucking miracle to watch. Then again, Drake always had a soft spot for her, even when we were kids.

“Wait.” She deflated all of a sudden. “Does Drake know?”

I removed her from my lap and got off the bed. There was no fucking way I was taking her out of the building without informing Drake of my plans. He would string me up by my balls if I did that.

“Yes. Now, get dressed, West has dinner on and we don’t want to be late.”

Like a little kid in a sweet shop, she scrambled off the bed and went over to my wardrobes, pulling them open. I watched her select a dark, forest green dress and change into it. Then she was looking over her shoes. She selected a pair of smart, dark trainers. She didn’t like to wear heels outside of the office and even then, she’d started wearing ballet flats most of the time. Past Scarlett had emerged in small but significant ways, changing things she did and liked. I was all for it. Seeing her come into her own was a joy in itself.

She braided her hair whilst I changed into something smart but casual. A dark shirt, chinos and dark trainers to match hers. She grinned when I took her hand and pulled her downstairs with me. She was animated throughout dinner, making Drake suspicious, but I told him not to worry. I’d take care of our girl. Besides, the place we were going to was safe. Probably one of the safest places I could take her with all the security protocols in place.

Scarlett was quiet on the drive. She watched the city go by, dragging her fingers over the window every so often. I pulled up in a car park nearby, paid and took her hand, leading her along an upmarket street. She had a curious expression on her face when we arrived outside a nondescript building. I pulled her inside, only to be greeted by a huge graffiti-style sign proclaiming the name of the club. Desecration. You had to know someone to gain access to this place. And lucky for me, I knew a certain Fixer who lived in the owner’s pocket.

“What is this place?” Scarlett hissed as we walked by a bouncer over to the reception desk.

“A sex club,” I murmured before greeting the girl behind the desk.

She was a pretty redhead with a bright smile, but that was all I noticed. When Scarlett was in the room, she was the one who radiated beauty and sin. My eyes were for her and her alone.

Sarah Bailey's books