Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

I gripped her arse, making her cry out with the pain as I exposed her little hole to my view. Flipping the cap with my thumb, I dribbled it down over her. I set the lube down and rubbed it in, making her jerk under my touch. Whilst this might be a punishment for her, I wasn’t going to skimp out on preparing her to take me. Scarlett had got used to being fucked six ways from Sunday, so she didn’t need as long, but I never liked to risk things. I worked her up until she could take three fingers with ease. She was whimpering and bucking in my grasp, her red flesh so fucking enticing. I’d take care of it when we were done, making sure I looked after her.

I let go of her to coat my cock before gripping her hip and notching it to her tight little entrance. She let out a breath as I pressed forward, and bore down, making it easier for me to slide into her. I grunted at the sensation of her gripping me. Her head dropped down onto her hands and I could have fucking sworn I heard her mutter, “Shit, Death,” under her breath.

I leant over her, pushing deeper with my movement.

“Are you trying to tell me something, Scarlett?”


I nuzzled her hair.

“Is there something else you’d rather call me other than sir?”


“As long as you’re sure.”

She looked back at me, her face flushed red.

“I want you to be sir and maybe sometimes Death. Okay… so more than sometimes. Is that okay?”

My cock throbbed inside her, making me jerk forward and impale her completely. She let out a long breath before she groaned.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said a moment later, giving me a wicked grin.

I pulled back and thrust inside her again.

“It’s a please do,” I murmured, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her flush against me as I sat up, forcing her to straddle my lap.

From this angle, all of me was touching where I’d spanked her. She hissed at the contact.

“Jesus, you feel so fucking big like this.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

She snorted and wrapped her hands around my back, holding onto me as I gave her shallow thrusts, rubbing her raw skin against mine.

“Don’t let it go to your head.”

“Too late.”

I bit down on her earlobe, listening to her harsh pants and feeling her body relax into mine. Looping my arm around her, I held her stomach to give me more leverage to fuck her with. The way she moaned with each thrust was fucking music to my ears.

“Do you love me, little wisp?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, her nails digging into my skin.

“Say it.”

I needed to hear it again to be sure she meant it.

“I love you, Drake.”

I groaned in her ear, my other hand diving between her legs to stroke her clit. She rocked back against me.

“And I will stab anyone who tries to flirt with you.”

I choked out a breath.


“You’re mine. I won’t tolerate anyone encroaching on my territory.”

Of all the times for her to start acting possessive of me, this wasn’t the one I expected. And I had to admit, it only made me fall harder for her.

“I think you’ve been spending too much time with West if choosing violence is your first port of call.”

“The reaper needs a dark queen to ride by his side. I suggest you don’t complain about it and accept you’re mine. I will hurt anyone who says otherwise.”

I gripped her tighter and rubbed her clit harder.

“He also needs a queen to fuck and punish to his heart’s content. She needs to be his brat and his good girl. Do you know where he can find such a goddess?”

She practically purred against me.

“Right here. You already have her. She’s yours. And she loves you to the stars and back.”

“I love her too, very much.” I pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear. “Come for me, little wisp.”

Shifting her in my lap, I adjusted the angle to hit deeper and circled her clit the way I knew she liked. She cried out when I gave it to her harder. The pain of my skin against hers sent her over the edge. I felt it hit her as she clenched hard around my cock. Her body tensed and released, her nails digging harder into my skin.

“Fuck, Drake, come for me too… please, fuck, please.”

I pressed her forward on the bed, covering her body with my own before giving it to her harder than before. She cried through it, her body writhing beneath me until I grunted with my own eruption. I collapsed on top of her when I was spent, pinning her to the bed with my much larger body.

It took a few minutes for me to regain my equilibrium and move off her. She lay there quietly as if she needed more time to come down from her high. I slipped off the bed and went into the bathroom, cleaning myself up before gathering up supplies to take care of her.

I sat next to her when I came out and stroked her back.

“Do you want to lie in my lap whilst I take care of you?”

She nodded but didn’t make a move. So I took it upon myself to shift her into my lap. I checked over her welts to make sure I hadn’t broken the skin anywhere. Then I rubbed soothing ointment into her red skin. She sighed as I did it. When I was finished, I cleaned the blood off her chest and the cum from between her legs. Then I laid her back down on the bed whilst I got a t-shirt for her out of my cupboards. I pulled it over her head and tucked her under the covers, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

After that, I tugged on some clothes and went downstairs, pouring two glasses of water and putting a bag of dried fruit snacks she liked between my teeth. As I got back to my room, I found her clutching my pillow, her face buried in like she was breathing in the scent of me. I couldn’t help but grin at how fucking cute that was as I set down the glasses and the snacks.

“Little wisp.”

She popped her head up, flushing red with embarrassment. I got under the covers and made her sit up so she could eat and drink. She let me feed her and make sure she was full before I allowed her to curl up by my side with my arm wrapped around her back. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I watched her fall asleep. It wasn’t very late. I was intending to get up after she was settled, but I found I couldn’t leave her. Instead, I lay there stroking her face and wondering how I’d got so fucking lucky. I had the woman of my dreams in my bed and she loved me. It was a mind fuck, but a good one.

Her soft breathing soothed to my anxiety-ridden mind. I pressed my face into her hair and closed my eyes, savouring her warmth against me. Savouring every part of Scarlett. And somehow, without meaning to, I fell asleep hours before midnight for the first time in years. All because I had the love of my life next to me.

Twenty One


Sarah Bailey's books