Torn(Demon Kissed Series)


Eric’s apartment was in an old three story brick walk-up. We were listening at the door and didn’t hear anyone when a neighbor came out. A short round woman folded her arms and glared at me from behind thick glasses. Her black hair was smoothed back into a ponytail where it frizzed into a massive puff. Her shirt was a size too small and rode right at the top of her jeans.  Startled, I gasped like I was up to no good, but quickly explained that we knew Eric.

Sympathy instantly diminished her previous perception of us. “Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss.” Her eyes shifted between us as she rubbed her palms together. “I can’t image knowing someone who died like that.”

Wide-eyed, I glanced at Collin. He nodded in agreement and laced his arm through mine. His thoughts brushed my mind, Play along.

“It was,” he agreed, “Ivy’s known Eric since they were children, and wanted to say goodbye.”

The woman nodded, with her mouth hanging open in an O, before saying, “Oh, that’s right. There was no burial, because the body…” she cut herself off before she said anything else. “Oh, dear-heart, I’m so sorry.” She blinked back a tear and wrapped her arms around me in a bear hug. I stiffened and tried to wiggle out of it, before Collin mentally chastised me to be more mournful.

When she released me, Collin continued, “As you can imagine, it’s very difficult to get closure when things end like that…”

I shot a thought at him; Do you even know what you’re talking about? What did the Martis tell her?

But Collin ignored me and kept talking to the woman as if he knew, “I suggested taking her to his apartment one last time to see where he lived, but it seems that it’s already been rented and we didn’t want to intrude.”

The woman had her hand over her heart and looked at me with huge weepy eyes. “Of course! I know the girl who moved in there, after his accident; in fact we’re good friends. I suppose I could let you in, just for a minute. Tahlia isn’t home. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” Collin nodded somberly and thanked her while she ran off to fetch the key.

I arched an eyebrow at Collin, “How do they think Eric died?”

Collin shrugged, “Beats me, but the Martis must have covered Eric’s tracks well, because this woman didn’t expect to see anyone. Asking to see the apartment was the best I could do. Do you think you can find the book quickly, if it’s still there?”

“It’s worth a try. I saw where he hid it. I just hope it’s still there.” There was a niche in the wall where Eric withdrew the book before he thrust it under my nose. Eric was irate that night. He said that I undid a lifetime of work. He didn’t like me then. And he detested demon blood to the point that he didn’t treat me the same way once he found out I was tainted. But, his actions were different than his words. He saved me. I saved him. It happened so many times that I was beginning to think that we were friends. Eric had changed after our descent into the Underworld. I pushed the memory away, as Collin’s fingers laced through mine.

“Pretend you’re sad.” He squeezed my hand.

I squeezed back, “Don’t have to.”