Torn(Demon Kissed Series)


This time when I slept, strange dreams filled my mind, and this dream was very weird. I was lost. Someone was calling my name—Apryl or my mom—but I couldn’t figure out exactly who it was. I just knew that I loved the person and that they weren’t here anymore. Wandering in white mist, I walked on all the while hearing someone calling my name. The mist thickened until it felt like plaster pressing against me. The heaviness of it was crushing my chest, making it hard to breathe. I choked, pressing my hands to my throat, and crying out for help that didn’t come. My body fell limp as I died, but my soul didn’t leave my body. No, this time, I remained inside. I was there when the Martis found my body and burned it. I was there when the fires consumed my skin. When the flames licked my flesh from the outside and consumed my hair in greedy gulps. Finally, when I couldn’t stand it another second, I shot up screaming and the dream dissipated. Sweat covered my entire body and my heart raced like it would explode.

Eric sat across from me, staring. With my hand on my chest, I slumped back against the headboard. I was still in my bra and jeans. Eric didn’t care that I felt uncomfortable, so no new shirts were offered. When I pulled my hair out of my eyes, and wiped the sweat from my brow, I noticed that my strength had returned. Effonating drained me, but sleep restored my strength. I glanced at Eric wondering how long I’d slept. He stared back with an intense expression. Remaining slumped against the headboard, I feigned weakness. I’d have to kick his ass to get away, and surprising him would make it easier. My voice rasped, “What do you want?”

He unfolded his arms from his chest, and leaned forward. “I wanted to put you and Shannon together and watch what happens as you two try to kill each other, but this creates a flaw in my plan.” Surely he wasn’t serious? He stroked his chin, thinking. “But, you’re too weak now, so she’ll rip you to shreds. There’s no way you could possibly win. Whatever you did to her in Hell has worked wonders for her fighting skills.” He pushed off the sink and walked in front of me. “That might be fun to watch anyway, even knowing the outcome. I can hear your heart beating wildly, even now, and the look on your face is too much to resist.”

Eyes wide, I looked up at him. I hadn’t moved, thinking playing opossum was the best way to kick his ass. It would give me a leg-up that I needed to get past him. But the look on his face said he had other plans.  Without warning, he lunged at me. His golden eyes pooled crimson as his lips smashed against mine. His lips locked with mine and I felt him surround the tiny bit of soul I had left. His Valefar hooks dug into me as the razor wire sensation pulled. I didn’t want to use my strength to push him off of me, but I had no choice. Eric didn’t bother to pin me, so my arms were free. That was such a foreign thought. Nice, kind, sweet Eric forgot to pin me. But that wasn’t him anymore. He wasn’t the boy with the ironed jeans and the white sneakers. He wasn’t the soft spoken, gentle guy who laughed at me in biology. He was this. Before the memories ended, my fist collided with the side of Eric’s face. He staggered backwards and fell to his knees and broke the kiss. Stunned, he sat for a moment looking up at me. The expression on his face wasn’t right. The way he looked at me made a cold chill run down my spine, as I stood there panting with my arms outstretched, ready to run.

Eric didn’t move. His expression didn’t shift. The irises of his eyes remained lost in lust, pooled blood-red without a single speck of gold, but the expression was haunted and hollow—like he’d seen a ghost. Part of me hesitated. Something happened. Something that wasn’t supposed to happen, but I had no idea what. Whatever it was, it stopped Eric in his tracks, but I couldn’t hang around to see what happened. Hardly a second passed from the end of the kiss, but I’d waited too long already. Spinning on my heel, I took off, and risked effonating to the only place I knew I’d be safe—somewhere that had someone to heal my wounds.