The Evanescence (Fallen Soul Series)

chapter 19


I’m not sure why the Lord of the Afterlife is coming for Alex, but Alex sure seems to know. I wonder if he’s been keeping things from me and then I remember that it’s Alex, so of course he is.

“Why is he here for you?” I hiss, gripping onto his hand.

“Because it’s time for Alex to pay a debt to me,” Draven responds in deep voice that sends a chill down my spine.

Angling my neck back, I elevate my gaze to him. His dark eyes are cold, dark and emotionless. There’s nothing going on inside and I know we’re in some deep trouble, even if I don’t know anything about him.

“A debt?” I ask, battling to keep my voice even. “What kind of debt?”

“I think I’ll let Alex share that with you.” Draven strolls over to the window and stares at the sunlight with his hands in his pocket. “I’m ready whenever you are, Alex,” he says with a wicked laugh in his tone.

Laylen and Evan rush over to the table.

“Okay, what the hell did you do?” Evan sounds anxious as he slides into the seat.

Alex stares down at my hand in his with his forehead creased. “I made a deal a little while back… I thought it was the only way.”

“You thought it was the only way to what?” I urge him to continue with a squeeze of my hand.

He looks at me and there is sadness in his eyes. “To save you.”

“What do you mean, save me? Save me from what?” I search his eyes, trying to find an answer and what he’s really feeling, because he seems so calm, but I know it’s just an act.

He lets out a slow breath and leans back in the chair, still holding my hand. “From the star, Stephan, from everything really. I didn’t think the debt would matter. I needed to find my mother. I was told Draven would be able to give me some information on how to find her. And he did, but for a price. I thought I’d end up dying anyway, so I agreed.” He presses his lips together, shaking his head. “I gave him one year of service from me, in exchange for what I hoped would save you from death—for what I hoped would save the world.”

“A year of service to him? In the Afterlife?” I gape at him incredulously. “Alex, please tell me I’m wrong.”

“It’s wherever I choose,” Draven interrupts our conversation.

I glance at him and he cocks his head towards me with a curious expression on his face. “Doing what?”

“Whatever I choose,” he says, his cold tone matching the iciness in his eyes.

I turn my attention back to Alex. “There’s got to be a way out of this, like I can use the Serpent’s mark on him.”

“Good idea.” Draven chuckles. “But I’m immune,” he says and when I target a doubtful look at him, he adds, “Go ahead and try.”

So I do, shutting my eyes, trying to channel the energy, but nothing. Zero. Zilch. I open my eyes and focus on Alex. “There has to be something else.” An idea hits me and I start to close my eyes, ready to Foresee the two of us away.

He slips his hand out of mine and moves it to his lap, like he’s already letting go and saying good-bye. “Not this time, Gemma. I can’t just disappear… There’ll be… there’ll be consequences.”

I look to Evan for help, refusing to give up like Alex seems to. “Can you do something?” I whisper. “With all of your…” I glance down at the marks on his arms. “Can’t you stop this?”

Evan shakes his head sadly and Laylen swallows hard. “I’m sorry, but this is beyond my abilities,” Evan says. “A bargain with the Lord of the Afterlife is unbreakable. Alex will die if he doesn’t fulfill it.”

I gape at Alex, unwilling to believe it. “Tell me it’s not true. Tell me I’m just dreaming or in a vision and this isn’t happening because I can’t take it anymore.” I’m trembling and I know it makes me look weak, but I don’t care. I’m so tired of all of this. Of everything.

“There’s nothing I can do, Gemma.” Alex swallows hard. “I’m sorry.”

A thought enters my mind. “What if Helena’s behind this? What if this is all a trick?” I lower my voice, knowing I’m searching for something that doesn’t exist, but I can’t give up. Not when I just got him back. Not after what I felt last night. “You can’t go with him, Alex. I mean, what if Helena finds out and comes after you?”

Alex sighs, reaching for my face, and placing his hand on my cheek. He rubs his thumb across my cheekbone, looking at me like he’s never going to see me again.

“All right, enough with the sentimental good-bye. It’s time to go.” Draven nods curtly at Alex and calls him over like a dog. “Come.”

Shutting his eyes, Alex reluctantly pulls his hand away and then he gets to his feet. “Take care of her,” he says to Laylen. “Don’t let her do anything stupid.” Then he follows Draven out the doorway. Fear, panic, and rage burst through me in an alarming combination. I jump to my feet, knocking the chair to the floor, and race after him, hot tears spilling from my eyes. I only make it two feet before long arms encircle me.

“Let me go, Laylen,” I fume, wrestling to get my arms free. “I mean it. Let me go.”

He only tightens his grip, pulling me into his chest. I start hitting him, actually punching him in the chest, but he just stands there and takes it. I scream as he continues to hold me, tears pouring out, and finally I collapse, dropping to my knees. Laylen falls to the ground with me and hugs me while I cry. I let him because I know that when he lets go of me, I may never get back up.